Chapter Twenty Five

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I awoke with my head in Niall's lap. We're we're sat in silence in the living room. The only sound was the constant sound of our breathing.
"I know your awake Nicci." Nicci? Who the fuck is Nicci?! I sat up next to Niall and kept my head down, scared that he would have another outburst.
"Who's Nicci?" Niall sighed and put his hand under my chin to face him.
"It's my nickname for you. Everyone calls you Nic, so I thought Nicci was a good nickname as it is at the end of your name." I nodded and took a quick glance in his eyes. Niall pulled me on his lap and wrapped his arms tightly around me.
"I'm so sorry Nicole. I didn't mean to hurt you or scare you in anyway. I love you so god damned much and I don't want to loose you." I looked into his eyes and they were watering around the edges. I hate it when he cries. I put my hands on either side of his face and pulled his face close to mine.
"I understand Niall, your past is hard to talk about. But your actions gave me flashbacks from my past. That's why I ran away." A flash of confusion swept across his face before his eyebrows set in a frown.
"Who was that other guy in the park with that asshole?" Niall spoke through clenched teeth.
"They're both from my past." Niall placed me on the other side of the sofa so I was facing him, our fingers still interlaced.
"I think it's time you told me about your past Nicole."

"Ok, but don't judge me. Well before I moved to Ireland I lived in London. My family we were very happy. Me, my mum and my dad. Well once when my mother went away on a trip my dad got into drugs but didn't tell anyone. He would lash out on me but when I told my mum she said I was telling lies to get my dad into trouble. Then one night; 2 years after I last told my mum, she walked in on him when he was beating me. She called the police and he was taken away and found guilty in front of the judge."

I looked up at Niall to see tears yet again leaking from his eyes.
"Nicole, you don't have to tell me." I shook my head.
"No, it'll be good for me."

"My dad had been sentenced to 10 years in prison. Well along that time my mum had found a new man and his name was Paul; he is the man that is now married to my mum. They were so in love and I wanted that. When I arrived back at school the next day I was approached by Clint. He asked me out on a date and he was sweet and kind, I thought he was the one, until he changed. He started to get verbally and physically abusive. He'd make me wear skimpy clothing whenever I was near or with him, he forced me to go clubbing, if I asked him if I was beautiful he used to buy me make up. And if I ever dared to disobey him I would be punished."

I decided I might as well tell him the whole story since I was telling the gist of it.

"Remember when I drew that picture in art class? The one with the motionless girl on the floor with the dark man hovering over her with blood red fists? Well, remember when I said it wasn't my imagination? That's because it really happened..."


This is it. I've had enough. I was officially breaking up with Clint and his abusive ways. He can't just think he's going to demand sex from me and me to immediately give myself to him. Hell no.

I turned onto the road where I was meeting Clint. Fuck, I'm shit scared. I could see Clint on the corner of the street where we would always meet to walk to school, when he actually loved me.
"Hello sexy, should we go back to mine?" He slithered his grimy fingers around my waist. I shrugged him off and shook my head.
"No Clint, I really need to just tell you this." He urged me on.
"Clint, this really isn't working out. I'm sorry but I think it's best if we saw other people." I didn't bother looking up at him, I kept my gaze on my hands.
"What?! Am I not good enough for you?!" I took a step back, the anger in his voice made me shake with fear.
"No,no. It's not that, it's just we share none of the same interests and to be honest I think you would prefer to be with someone who understands you." The fire in his eyes was like none I have ever seen before. Shit I've really pissed him off.
"You fucking little cunt!" He screamed at me before pushing me to the ground and kicking me in my stomach several times.
"Pl-please...stop." I groaned. He had never been this violent with me, it was usually just a slap around the face.
"This is because you've met some other prick right?! And you slept with them because your a nasty whore!" He screamed the words at me whilst punching me from head to toe until I started to bleed. I wish I was dead. I just want the ground to swallow me up. Nothing is worth this pain. Clint stood up and started to walk away, he quickly returned, I was in too much agony to move or even scream for help. He came close to my ear and whispered.
"Don't think you can just run away from me doll, I will find you again and that is a promise." He stood again. Towering over me, my blood was scattered all across his knuckles. Clint gave me a look of pure disgust before he raised his foot one last time and swiftly kicked me in the head making my world go black.



After Nicole finished her story I was completely horror struck. How can anyone ever beat up a woman?! I pulled Nicole onto my lap and started to play with her hair. She's so gorgeous and so strong. She hides her past so well, she acts as if she has had the perfect life when it was far from that.
"I'm so sorry about your past Nic, and I promise I'm going to try and control my anger. I don't want to loose you as well." She snuggled closer into my chest and I sighed in content. Man I love this girl, more than my own life.

Just as I started to drift off to sleep with an already sleeping Nicole, there was a constant knocking on the door. I carefully set Nicole down on the sofa and I covered her over with a blanket and I cautiously walked over to the door. Whilst unlocking the latch to the front door I saw there was not only 1 but 2 people standing on the porch. Praying for Nicole's safety and to keep her from harm I wrenched open the door and was met with the 2 startled faces of Nicole's parents. Fuck.



Hey everyone!

This is just a quick authors note to say that I'm amazed on how many reads 'I Fell In Love With A Bad Boy' has gotten, 1.3K is a hell of a lot! I just want to thank everyone who is reading my fanfiction, I love you all :) I also wanted to say that my friend, AliceInWonderlandxd, has just started writing a new fanfiction called My English Teacher. It's a Harry Styles fanfic and it is amazing!!! FYI Iris...THAT'S ME BABY!!!

Anyway back to normal mode! Thank you so much for reading my fanfic! Keep reading there will be more drama coming up in the next chapters! :)

Love you guys :*


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