Chapter Twenty Eight

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We arrived at Martha's house in record time and I didn't hesitate to kill the engine and jump out of the car to the front door.
"Woah babe, slow down." Niall laughed as he jogged over to my side. I knocked once and then being the impatient bitch I am I kept dinging the door bell until someone answered. Just as I was about to press the bell again the door swung open to reveal a moody Martha.
"Touch that door bell again and I will shove it up your ass." Woah, sassy bitch. Niall laughed taking my hand in his and pulled me inside.
"Is Harry here?" Martha meekly nodded.
"It's alright Martha, I got this." I spoke slyly.
"HARRY! GET DOWN HERE! MARTHA NEEDS YOU TO GO TO THE SHOP! WE BOTH NEED TAMPONS AND PADS! AND CHOCOLATE AND SOME OTHER SHIT ALONG WITH A PINEAPPLE!" Once I had finished my rather weird shopping list a freaked out Harry emerged from the kitchen.
"Do I really have to?" He whined like a little girl.
"Yes you do. Do you really want us going round and leaking everywhere? I think not. Now go." I demanded whilst shoving him. When he didn't move I turned to Niall for help. He sighed but eventually we managed to lock Harry out of the house.

When we turned to Martha she had a shy smile on her face.
"So are you showing?" I asked and a grin broke across my face.
"Maybe." She giggled whilst lifting up her top. Niall's eyes widened and his grip became stronger.
"How long?" He asked. I moved out of Niall's grip and stroked Martha's swollen belly.
"3 months." Martha said quietly.
"You need to tell Harry." Niall blurted out. I shot him a glare. Martha huffed before tugging her top down and stomping out into the living area. I rolled my eyes and followed her. When I reached the living area I saw Martha slump down in the sofa, she patted the space next to her, indicating she wanted us to sit down.
"Niall's right, you need to tell Harry." Martha sighed again before dragging her hands down her face.
"I can't. He'll leave me." She whimpered. I took her hand in mine.
"He won't leave you, he loves you. Honest." Martha looked unconvinced but she nodded anyway.
When I turned to my right I saw Niall stood up observing us. I nodded my head towards Martha and his eyes widened.
"Um, I need to pee. Ill be back." I really want Niall to say something to Martha, they're like best friends and he's been too silent, so I excuse myself to the bathroom. I just hope Niall doesn't say something idiotic.


Damn. Damn you Nicole. She's left me alone here with Martha, I know she wants me to say something but nothing comes to mind. My legs act before my head does. I crouch down in front of her and grab her hands in mine.
"Everything will be fine Martha. Harry won't ever leave you, and if he tried I would beat him to a pulp," she laughed and I cracked a smile.
"But, you really do need to tell Harry, the longer you wait to tell him the more hurt he will be. I don't want to see either of you miserable." After I finished my speech I kissed her hands and turned around to find Nicole almost in tears hiding around the corner.
"C'mere you big baby." I laughed as she took small steps before she stood in front of me.
"Yeah, but I'm only your big baby." She whispered hoarsely from crying. I smirked at her before pulling her into my arms and attacking her head with kisses.

All of our heads snapped to the front door as it was slammed shut. An uncomfortable Harry stood before us. I really, really wanted to laugh, but I shouldn't. So I bit down on my tongue. Harry held 2 bags in his hands, one obviously filled with food and the other one he was holding at arms distance, I'm guessing that's the one with the tampons in.


When Harry entered the apartment I quickly turned to Martha and whispered in her ear,
"Do it now, Niall and I will give you some space." Martha looked horror struck and she grabbed my arm in an iron vice.
"Stay." Was the only word that escaped her mouth. I couldn't leave her here, so I agreed. Harry placed the 2 bags on the kitchen side and walked over to Martha planting a kiss on her lips.
"Harry, I need to tell you something." She said as she held onto his hands. I moved to stand over with Niall, whilst Harry stole my vacant seat.
"Urm...sure..ur...go ahead." He stumbled over his words. Martha shot us a worried glance and I have her a sharp nod in return. This is it. She's going to tell him. My grip became stronger on Niall'a arm, I'm as worried as she is.
"Harry, I'm-I'm..."
"You what Martha?" Harry chuckled.
"Pregnant." She whispered. The whole room was silent.



Hahaha, cliff hanger there ;) I was just checking up on my story the other day and I see I have 2.2k reads, that's fucking amazing guys! I love you all so much :)

Keep reading my story and advise others to read it too :) also leave comments, I love to see what you have to say about my book :) and vote as well ;)

Also anyone who loves Harry Styles read my best friends story...
'My English Teacher'
It's fucking amazing!!! She also has another fanfic called...
'Back to basics'
Which is a Niall Horan one :) that one is amazing too :)) oh if you can't find her stories here is her Wattpad Name..
(Please read her stories they are amazing!!!)

I also wanted to say that I love my weird and wacky best friend and I love you for all your weird shit and your crazy ass habits ;) and your love for Supernoodles :P I wouldn't change you though :) you truly are the most amazing friend ever :) I love you!!! <3
#WereTheTwoBestFriendsThatAnyoneCouldHave ;) <3

Twitter: NatalieMills244
Facebook: Natalie Mills
Snapchat: nataliemills.xo
Tumblr: stupid-crazy-rekless


*giraffes are my favourite animals :3*

Peace out y'all!


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