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Back at Derek's loft, no one said a word. Stiles had snuck up to Derek's room, and no one had tried to stop him. Derek was battling himself, forcing himself to give his boyfriend the space he needed.

Gerard was in the hospital. Comatose, so he wasn't dead. He was only nearly dead. Could be dead any day. Any minute.

Derek imagined that this was exactly what was going through his boyfriend's head at the moment. He couldn't take it anymore. Giving up on patience, he pulled himself up the stairs and into his room, to find a tiny looking Stiles curled up in the middle of the kingsized bed.

He heard sniffling and muffled sobbing, so he ran over and held the boy in his bed and pulled him into his lap, rocking him gently.

"Shhh, Stiles it's ok."

"No Derek." Stiles pushed Derek away, clenching the duvet in his fists. "It's not okay."

"Stiles, you didn't kill him. He's going to live."

"He's in a coma because of me!" Stiles practically yelled, droplets of tears spilled from his eyes as he shook his head. "He might die!"

"He's not going to die."

"But what if he does?"

"Stiles. This is the man that tried to use me to become a wolf. The one that tortured Erica and Boyd. The one who beat you to a pulp."

"It doesn't make it ok!"

"No." Derek shook his head, catching Stiles' eye. "It's not ok. You're not ok. But you will be, Stiles. We're going to get you that cure."

Stiles nodded, nuzzling into Derek's neck. He pulled away just as fast, shoving Derek onto the floor and backing up against the headboard.

When Derek got up he saw the black lines that spread from Stiles' now scarlet eyes.


"Der, stay there or I'm going to hurt you." Stiles held a hand out as if to stop his boyfriend. Derek didn't listen to him. "I said stop!"

Derek halted in his tracks, not moving a muscle. His face was contorted in confusion.

"Woah I didn't think you would actually listen to me." Stiles eyes faded back to their normal golden brown. "Derek? You can move you know."

Derek nearly tumbled as Stiles said those words. Stiles frowned in confusion as his boyfriend stared at him, wide eyed.

"What the hell Stiles?"

"I... I didn't think I would be able to... I think I just used compulsion..."

"Care to explain?!" Derek growled angrily, not used to being taken control of.

"I- it's a thing that Vampires can do, I don't know how it works... But I do know how to stop it. I got you something." Stiles got up and reached into his rucksack that lay under the bed. He pulled out a bracelet and shyly handed it to Derek.

"What the hell is this?"

"It's.. It's just a bracelet but, um, it has a thing called vervain in it, um..." Stiles reached into his bag again and pulled out an old, leather bound book titled: a guide to Vampirism. Derek raised an eyebrow.

"What? I wanted to know what I was turning into!"

As Stiles flicked trough the time ridden pages, Derek held the bracelet between his forefinger and thumb like it was poisonous. It was just a black band, with a knot in the centre, and a couple of small silver beads in the middle. Derek inspected it briefly; he didn't do too well with jewellery.

"Here." Stiles hands him the book. "I compelled you. It says that vervain can stop me doing that... And also stop me feeding on you. I got it just in case." He noticed Derek's hesitation. "I mean, you don't have to wear it, if you don't want to, um... I just thought it would be a bit, you know, easier, um..."



"Shut up." Derek grinned. "I love it."

"You do?" Stiles gushed, eyes lighting up. "Uh, I mean ok. Cool." He tried to shrug off his earlier enthusiasm.

Derek smiled at his idiot boyfriend, and slipped the bracelet onto his wrist, pulling Stiles in for a kiss.


Hey hey hey here's an update!


Also it's SEASON 5B TOMORROW !!!

Thanks for 20k! Hope you enjoyed this, comment and vote :)

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