Three is a pattern

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Stiles hopped off the back of Scott's bike and plopped the helmet on the ground, running his hands through his hair to get rid of his helmet hair.

"Remind me never to go on that thing again." Scott rolled his eyes at his best friend and tucked his helmet under his arm. He grinned at the vampire in front of him and at how shaken up he was from a bike ride. "Don't give me that stupid grin, wolf boy."

"Aw Stiles! Can the big bad vamp not handle a ride on a bike?" Scott reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out the key for the clinic.

"Watch it, I could snap your neck quicker than you could flash those eyes." Stiles is suddenly in front of Scott, his eyes gleaming red.

Scott smirked and his eyes flashed a more brilliant red. "I'll bite you."

"I'd like to see you try McCall." Stiles shoved Scott slightly and the two burst into laughter. Scott's heart warmed when he remembered how this moment was like the good old days, before everything turned to shit. When it was just the two of them against the rest of the world- no werewolves, no banshees, no vampires. Just two nerds.

The door suddenly swung open from under Scott's hand and he realised that he had been standing there with his key in the lock for some time. Deaton looked at the two, annoyed.

"Are you two just going to stand there like a couple of 13 year olds or are you going to help me figure out what this dragon's intentions are?" Deaton turned his back and strode into the clinic, leaving the two boys staring after him. Stiles turned to Scott and pulled a face like a child would to the back of an annoying teacher. Scott started laughing again.

As Stiles passed the mountain ash he realised what Deaton had said.

"Hold on- Doc did you say Dragon?"

Scott blanched. "Dragon?!"

"Yes boys you heard me correctly. But it's just a theory. And even if we did know for certain that this thing is a dragon, we wouldn't know what type. There are over one million different types of dragon living on this earth, and-"

"But- dragons?" Stiles was still shocked. "Are we talking Smaug type of dragons or Game of Thrones shit?"

The Doctor shook his head at Stiles' stupidity. "The opposite Mr Stilinski. In reality, dragons are not the winged beasts you find in the Triwizard Tournament, as you would say. They look entirely human, unless feeding, or attacking, where they are much like werewolves in the way they transform." Deaton glanced at Scott, whose face was still a mask of confusion. "Only parts of their bodies become scaly lizard like creatures, much like a Kanima, only deadlier and with wings."

"So we're looking for a big winged Jackson."

"How do we fight it?" Scott ignored Stiles comment and turned to his boss.

"Well seeing as we don't know what type of dragon it is, we can't fight it. There are so many different types it is impossible to find one universal method of defeating them all."

"Ok so what do we do?"

"Well, we know that a few days ago a headteacher at a primary school was killed, yesterday your mother's boss, Scott. And a few hours ago the mayor was killed." Deaton's eyebrows furrowed thoughtfully.

"One is an incident, two's a coincidence and three is a pattern." Stiles mumbled. His face then lifted and he looked up at Scott. "It's going after people of power!"

Scott's eyes widen as he looks at Stiles. "Your Dad."

"And you, Scott. All of you. Your supernatural powers make you all much more powerful than the mayor, or even the sheriff." Deaton said calmly.

"But by the looks of it, it's working his way up the pecking order, right? First the Head, then the Boss of the hospital, now the mayor- surely the next one up in the ranks would be my Dad?"

"Logically the mayor would come after the Sheriff."

"But, could it be possible that because Pops knows about us, and the supernatural, would that make him more powerful than someone who didn't? The mayor for example." Stiles bit his nail nervously.

"Knowledge is power." Scott supplied slowly.

"In that case, your mother is also in danger Scott, if we are right and he is working his way up the pecking order, so to speak. You two best go back, make sure they both know what's going on."

Stiles nodded stiffly and left, waiting for his friend outside. Scott gave Deaton a quick hug and a small smile before joining Stiles outside.

"They're going to be ok, you know." Stiles said softly. "We all are."

"We always make it through." Scott put his arm around Stiles' shoulders. "Do you want a ride or are you going to call your boyfriend?"

"Oh I'm calling Derek. No way am I riding on that thing. If I had the ability to vomit, I would as soon as we started driving."

Scott held in a laugh and threw on his helmet. "I'll call you later, ok?"

Stiles grinned and nodded, waving as his best friend drove away.



The last chapter was published a month ago (: I'm so very sorry (: for my bad case of writers block (:


If you haven't noticed, I have not been updating my other works as much either, for example my new Allenski (check it out) has been left on a cliffhanger that I am v not happy about (: but oh well, AT LEAST I UPDATED FOR U LOVELIES!

Thank you to @stiles24stilinskiXD and tessnoelle for the inspiration- I may not have used either of your ideas but they deffo helped me to think this chapter through.

You'll be seeing more of me from now :)


until next time x

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2016 ⏰

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