Chapter 6

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Autumn's point of view

Alexis was really sweet, I can see why Michael likes her so much. I mean they look so cute together, with Alexis's personally, and Michael's randomness they make a great couple. Maybe me and Luke would make a great couple. No stop thinking that your just their opening act!
" Hey Autumn, do you want to have a water balloon fight with us?", Ashton asked, as he got a tote full of water balloons.
" Um, sure why not."
" Okay be in the backyard in 10 minutes."
---------------------- 10 minutes later------------------
As I walked out to the backyard, I saw Luke, Michael, Alexis, Calum, and Ashton holding a water balloon in their hands.
" Hey we should do groups of 3!", Luke said, which I know I would be in his group.
" Sure Luke, that's a great idea."
" Thanks Autumn.", man this boy is killing me, I am so I love with him right now. But he properly doesn't feel the same way.
" Okay so the groups are: me, Luke and Ashton; and the next group is Alexis, Michael, and Calum."
" Michael I swear you throw...."
" Omg that was amazing!", Michael said laughing is butt off.
" You want to play that way, I'll play that way!", I yelled as I grabbed 2 water balloons and threw them at Michael.
After about an hour of screaming, yelling, and throwing water balloons it was almost 8:30. I had to be at the studio tomorrow at 6am!
" Guys thanks for the amazing day but I've got to head home."
" Wait, why don't you stay here tonight, because we leave after you get back from the studio for tour.", Luke said closing the door with his foot.
" I've got to get my suitcase and stuff."
" Well, can I drive you home?"
" Sure, if you don't mind."
" I don't."
" Okay."

Hey guys!
Hope you all had a great Halloween last night!
So I was thinking evey Sunday I'll upload until midnight, so you will get more than 1 chapter today.
I know you guys are properly mad at me because I'm putting of Luke and Autumn dating, but they are getting to know each other. All I'm saying is be patient with me, I'm writing what pops into my head.
Love you guys, Stay Strong

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