Chapter 13

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Alexis's point of view

As soon as we landed in New York, we were in a car and on our way to the hotel we were staying at.
" Hey Alexis, you know today is your mom's birthday.", Michael said as he held my hand.
" Yhea I know, and I might leave earlier than 3 months."
" Why?"
" Because I've got school, and my mom. Its really hard right now."
" I know babe, but it's going to be okay, just think this is your last year of school."
" Yhea."
-------------------- At the hotel------------------------
Everyone went to bed, besides me and Michael, because I was waiting for my mom to Skype me.
" Michael what if she doesn't answer?"
" Hey don't stress about it look."
- incoming call from mom-
" Hello Alexis."
" Hello mom."
" So what do you need dear?"
" Happy birthday mom!"
" Thank you sweety, but you need to sleep, it's want midnight there?"
" Its 11:11, mom we need to make a wish."
" Okay, why do you wish?"
" I wish dad would come back."
" Me too sweetheart, me too."
" Mom, why did dad not want another kid?"
" Sweety, because your dad was afraid for the longest time to have kids, and when you came along he said no more, so when I told him I was pregnant again, he didn't seem too happy and left, and that was that."
" Mom I'm sorry for asking, because I know you hate to tell people."
" Alexis I don't mind to tell you, and when are you coming home again?"
" 3 months, but I might come back early thought."
" Okay, I've got to go. I love you Alexis."
" I love you too mom."
- End of call-

Hey guys!
Should I do another update tonight? If so please comment down below!
Guys I really had a bad day at school again, I hate when I think I'm going to have a good day of goes to shit. ( Sorry about the swear )!
Hope you guys have a good day/night!
Love you, Stay Strong!

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