Chapter 33

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Autumn's p.o.v
I was shaken awake by Luke, who had a smile on his face.
" Good morning sunshine.", he said kissing my cheek.
" Good morning, well afternoon.", I said looking at my phone, 4:30 the clock read. I slowly opened the car door, and got out heading towards the front door, when I was lifted into someone's arms. I look up to see non other than Luke carrying me inside.
" Luke, I can walk.", I said trying to sound annoyed.
" I know.", he said laughing.
" Autumn, you do know we have a concert today right?", Ashton said coming down the stairs.
" Shit. No, I didn't."
" Its okay, your going to do amazing.", Michael said giving me a comforting smile.
" Thank you, um can I hear one of your guys songs. Please?"
" Sure, um guys?", Luke said getting his guitar.
" Sure.", they said in unison.
For a while we pretended that we never had to end it
But we knew we'd have to say goodbye
You were crying at the airport when they finally closed the plane door
I could barley hold it all inside, torn in two
And I knew I shouldn't tell you but I just can't stop thinking of you, wherever you are
Evey night I almost call you, just to say it always will be you
Wherever you are
" That was amazing guys.", I said as I gave them all a hug.
" Thanks babe.", Luke said giving me a light kiss.
" Now let's get ready for tonight's show.", Ashton said as we all headed upstairs to change.

Hello guys!
#2 update yay!
One more to go!
So guys I need a ship name for Luke and Autumn, if you have any could you please list them in the comments below.

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