Chapter 7

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Luke's point of view

As me and Autumn walked to the car, I wanted to hold her hand so badly, but I kept telling myself that she lives in the U.S and we live in Australia. Man this sucks, I find an amazing girl, who happens to be our opening act, then I fall in love with her, and I find out she lives in the U.S.
" Autumn, um, where do you live?"
" Oh, I live about an hour away in a apartment complex."
" I know where that is."
" You do?"
" Yhea used to live ther."
I started the car, and the music playing softly in the back round. Every once in a while I'll look over and see Autumn going in and out of sleep. She looks so cute when she's tired. I mean it was almost 10, and we have to be at the airport by 12:30 for our flight.
--------------------------- 1 hour later-------------------
Once I pulled up to her apartment number, I saw that she was sound asleep. Do I wake her up? Do I carry her inside? I decided she needs to sleep. I opened my car door slowly and walked of to her side and opened her side door, once I unbuckled her seatbelt I picked her up bridal style, and walked to her apartment. Once inside I put her in her bed, covered her up, and shut her bedroom door. I called the boys and told them I'll stay with Autumn tonight, so that's what I did. I found a pillow and a blanket, them made my way to her couch. And I feel asleep in minutes because of the soft couch and because I was tired.

Hey guys!
So this is the 2nd upload for today, I hope I can make it till midnight, because I am still tired from last night. To clarify me and my friend went trick or treating till midnight last night.
Love you guys, Stay Strong

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