Chapter 12

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Wow! I mean just wow! Luke actually likes me, but what if he didn't mean it like I did? Oh-no what if he's just playing me? Why does this happen when I find a cute guy, then they tell me they like me, and then they leave.
" Hey Autumn, you okay?", I knew that was Michael.
" Hi Michael,and I'm okay, I think."
" What do you mean by that?"
"  I just don't feel to well."
" Oh, I'm sorry, and we're leaving."
" Okay."
--------------------- At the airport-------------------------
Once we arrived at the airport, we went through everything that was required. Now we wait to be called.
" Hey Michael, is Alexis coming with us?"
" Yhea, but she will be with us for 3 months of the tour."
" Why only 3?"
" Because she has school, and here mom isn't doing too well, since her dad left not to long ago."
" Ow, that's so sad, if it's not bothering you, why did her dad leave?"
" Her dad left after he found out that her mom was pregnant again."
" Wow, that's not right."
" Yhea, Alexis was born when her mom was 16, and her mom's birthday is actually tomorrow."
" How old will her mom be?"
" She'll be 30."
" Oh."
" Flight number 376 to New York is now boarding."
" You ready Autumn?", Luke said as he held my hand. He is actually holding my hand!
" Luke I'm nervous."
" Its okay just hold my hand, squeeze if you get scared, but don't let go okay this airport is crowded."
" Okay, let's go on tour."

Hey guys!
Sorry I'm pressed for time, because I have school, so if it's short sorry!
Thanks r all the comments I really like that, so if you want to talk then please leave a comment down below ( note I get home at 3)
Love you guys, Stay Strong!

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