Chapter 30

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Luke's p.o.v

We must have waited there for about 9 hours, but it felt like weeks, I just really want to see Autumn; she needs me, and I need her. I broke down, I starred throwing chairs, cursing, screaming, and crying. Until Michael and Ashton grabbed me, trying to calm me down.
Ashton's p.o.v
I knew Luke was going to do something, but I didn't expect him to throw everything in sight. Michael tried to just calm him down, but Luke pushed him out of the way.
" Michael, are you okay?", I asked, helping him out of the floor.
" Yhea, I'm fine. But Luke needs to calm down.", he said standing to his feet.
Michael and I walked over to Luke, Michael grabbed him by the waist, and tackled him, until he tired himself out.
" Luke, she will be okay. She's a very strong girl. Here take a look at what the fans are tweeting you.", I said handing Luke his phone.
Luke's p.o.v
After Michael got off of me, Ashton handed me my phone, and I pulled up my twitter, looking at all the comments on the tweet about autumn.
@maulmforever: @Luke5sos I'm so sorry about what happened to autumn, but the 5sos fam needs you to be strong, and know that autumn can over come this. We love you! #StayStrongLuke #KeepFightingAutumn
All of the comments were saying for me to stay strong, and for Autumn to keep fighting; we have the best fans ever.
" Luke Hemmings? You all can see Autumn now.", a nurse said, with a not so happy smile.
" Okay, can you show us what room she's in, please."
She just nodded, and lead us to a room numbered 289, I walked into the room, and my heart shattered into a million pieces. Autumn was hooked up to all these machines, and had a tube to help her breathe, she was paler than Michael; she looked so lifeless. I walked over to her, grabbed her hand and whispered to her, " Autumn, if you can hear me, please wake up. We need you, your fans need you, and I need you, I can't go on with out you. Please wake up."
After I said that, I felt her hand grab mine, she was alive!
" Someone get the doctor quick! She's alive, she grabbed my hand!", I said to the boys with tears in my eyes.

Hello guys!
I need something from you guys. I need a ship name for Luke and Autumn, if you have any suggestions please comment them, that would be greatly appreciated :-)
Love you all! <3
   - Mikayla

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