Chapter 37

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A.n~ this is after the tour, and everyone went their own way, but Luke and Autumn are still dating, well....
Luke's p.o.v
Its been almost 6 months since Alexis and Michael got married, and I thought a lot about me and Autumn, like if that could be us. So, I finally decided I'll ask Autumn to marry me. Ever since that tour we did, I couldn't stop thinking about her, she was the only girl I wanted to be with. I know we all went our own ways, but still, I really love her.
" Hello babe.", I heard Autumn's voice through the phone.
" Hello beautiful."
" So, what you up to later?"
" I've got to go to the studio with Michael later, why?", that wasn't true, I was actually going to go get a ring.
" Okay, have fun. Me and Alexis are going shopping. Love you."
" Love you too."
I pulled into Michel's driveway, and I slightly started to feel nervous.
" Hey Luke.", Michael said, getting into my car.
" Hey."
" Mate, your going to be fine."
" Thanks, I'm just nervous."
We drove to the only jeweler near us, which wasn't that far from us. I was thinking of how I would propose to Autumn, then I got the idea of a scavenger hunt, ending at the beach, because I know she loves the beach.
We parked and went into the store; the store was quiet besides the radio playing softly in the backround.
" Luke, what about this one?", Michael said pointing towards a ring that had one diamond in the middle, and a ban of smaller ones around the whole ring.
" Michael, i-its beautiful."
" Miss, I'd like this one please."
" Okay, I'll get it for you sir."
" Thank you." I said as I held the ring in my hand.
" Good luck to you sir."
Today is going to be exciting.

Hello guys!
So Luke is finally going to purpose to Autumn. Hope she says yes.
Love you guys, so very much

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