Chapter 9

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" Luke, what the hell!"
" What?"
" Why are you in my house?!?"
" I drove you home last night, because you fell asleep and it was almost 10, so I crashed on your couch."
" Oh, well thanks for driving me home, and what smells so good?"
" I made chocolate chip pancakes and hash browns for you."
" Well that's nice of you Luke."
" Hey its the least I can do, because today is the start of our tour."
" Oh crap! I forgot I've got to go to the studio and talk to my manager!"
" Hey its okay, calm down."
" I'm okay now."
Okay, now I know I'm in love with him, but what if he doesn't think the same? Why do I always fall for boys who I know won't like me back?!?! If only I knew what he was thinking, then I would know if he likes me.
Once I was done washing the dishes, with Luke's help of coarse. I love how Luke helps out around my house, first it was the dishes, then it was making my bed, and finally it was getting my suitcase downstairs. Maybe, just maybe I might have a chance with him. Yhea that's going to take a miracle.

Hey guys!
Sorry its short, I've got to get some sleep I stayed up last night till like 3am, because I couldn't sleep:-(
Anyways I'll upload more tomorrow I promise!
Love you guys, Stay Strong!
Goodnight :-)

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