Spring Breakers

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Movie Reviews

Movie 1:  Spring Breakers (2012) ‘Wish You Were Here’


Candy- Vanessa Hudgens

Faith- Selena Gomez

Brit- Ashley Benson

Cotty- Rachel Korine

Alien- James Franco

My Rating: 3.5 stars

Movie Summary:

            Before we even see the main characters we are introduced to a whole bunch of ‘spring breakers’ topless and asses hanging out, dancing with others.

            Anyways this movie is about four college students. Candy (Hudgens), Brit (Benson), and Cotty (Korine) are obviously the ‘bad girls’ they are doing drugs, and are constantly referring to sex. Faith (Gomez) appears to be the only ‘good girl’. She is seen at her bible club, and talking with her friends, (one happens to be Heather Morris, Glee). So I guess the whole main point of the beginning is that they so badly want to go on spring break, but they are practically broke, so Candy, Brit, and Cotty steal a teachers car go to a diner, and rob the place with a squirt gun and hammer. They end up taking off with the money, ditching the car and sharing their ‘good news’ with Faith. After that they go to Florida for spring break.

            Once in Florida, they are all living it up, renting scooters, drinking, partying, and doing drugs. They also see Alien (Franco) rapping, and you know they start partying with everyone. While all this goes on Faith being the good girl, always is calling her grandmother, and saying how much she loves spring break. Their joy doesn’t last when they are all arrested for doing drugs. They are locked up, in their bikinis and have a trial. They are told they can’t leave unless they call someone to bail them, they don’t call anyone and go back to the cell, until Alien bails them.

            At this point all four girls walk out of jail, into the sun, in their bikinis to Alien, waiting for them by his car. He takes them for a ride, taking a liking to the girls. He tells them about himself, and his two friends. (I cant remember their name.) They go to this like drug house I think? Where Alien is all over Faith, but she is crying and tells her friends she wants to leave. Her friends want to stay and so Faith goes home, after a tearful call to grandma.

            With Faith gone Alien takes them to his house, and shows them all his guns, drugs, and money. They all love it. Then there is a scene where Candy and Brit have these guns, and Alien gives the guns a blowjob. (wtf???) Anyways he gets his three girls these bathing suits and ski masks and together they go robbing other people on spring break, and then they all slow dance with guns and sing to a Brittany Spears song.

            While they are living it up, Alien has problems with an old rival, and they go this club with practically naked women everywhere. Then when they are driving back to Alien’s house poor little Cotty gets shot in the arm. Alien takes care of her, but Cotty still leaves, while Brit and Candy stay with Alien.

            After some more drinking, drugs and dancing Brit, Candy and Alien have sex in the pool. There is also another sex scene with Alien’s rival and two other women. At the end Brit, and Candy put on their ski masks, and florescent bikinis and go with Alien to his rival’s house where they have a huge shootout. Alien dies, and Candy and Brit kill everyone. They walk away in their florescent bikinis and give dead Alien a kiss.  THE END.

My Review:

            To start with, this movie was rated R, so I did sneak in to see it, because my friends and I had really wanted to see it. Although everyone I know has said it was a terrible movie, I thought it was good. I liked the colours, the voice over, and the music. However I thought there were way too many half naked people. Almost every scene there was a topless girl grinding up against some guy. Also the four girls were pretty much always in their bikinis. Besides that, there was a whole lot of drugs, and people snorting it on topless girls, and beer being poured over more topless girls.

            Besides all the nudity and sexual content, I still enjoyed the movie, some parts were really funny, like when James Franco was singing this Brittany Spears song and the three girls were slow dancing with huge guns, and pink ski masks. Very funny that part. If it weren’t for James Franco, although of the funny parts wouldn’t be there.

            Now the two sex scenes were, to me gross. I saw parts of it, but looked away, I don’t like watching that in movies. What I found funny was that I read an interview with Benson, and she said that their sex scene was not at all raunchy. Wtf? They were having a threesome in a pool, with the camera going underwater. Also apparently they were all suppose to be soul mates. That I really did not get.

            Lastly I wanna say something on the characters. Vanessa Hudgens was ok, so was Rachel Korine. I liked Ashley Benson the best. But my god did I hate Selena Gomez her good girl character was slap worthy and her calling her grandma all the time was annoying. Like seriously you come on spring break what did you expect? Like I said before James Franco was awesome.

            One more, last thing. The actual plot of the movie to me is still unclear, like the two bikini clad girls kill all these big guys at the end, and then they walk away. Like what is the point? Alien is dead, they walk away, and what live happily ever after. The ending was extremely stupid. Overall, a pretty good movie, I would recommend it as a movie to watch with your girlfriends.


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