Wild Child

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Movie 22: Wild Child (2012) ‘New school. New rules’


Poppy- Emma Roberts

Freddy- Alex Pettyfer

Movie Information:

Rating- PG-13

My Rating: 3 stars

Movie Summary:

            16 year old Poppy is a spoiled L.A girl with a rich father. She clearly lives in a large mansion overlooking the ocean, and is very dressed up all the time. She wakes up late one morning and realizes that day her fathers new girlfriend was moving in. Her little sister warns her not to do anything bad. Poppy decides to invite dozens of teens to her house for a ‘welcoming party’ she lets them take the girlfriends things from the moving trunk that arrived early. Poppy takes some of her clothes and jumps from her pool into the ocean below. Just then her father shows up furious and tells her he is sending her to a boarding school in England.

            The next day Poppy is packing for Abbey Mount School for young ladies 11-17 years old. She promises her friend Ruby to stay in touch, but Ruby doesn’t seem to care for Poppy.

            Poppy is then in England and is introduced to the head mistress, she hands over Poppy to another school student and her other three friends. Poppy is also introduced to the Head Girl. A British snob who already dislikes Poppy.

            Poppy goes to her dorm with the other four girls she met. The next day she is in her own version of the ugly school uniform, a tight fitting skirt with heels, and a short jacket. The other girls are all wearing ugly long skirts, long bulky wool jackets and high knee highs. Poppy goes to her classes, not caring much and then makes a scene at lunch while pretending to pray another language. Here she sees Freddy.

            The next day she still has problems. All this time she tells her friend Ruby how much she hates everyone at her school, and her plans to get herself expelled.

            Finally when Poppy begins to like her new friends, she goes out to town with them where they get clothes for a school dance, and Poppy gets a haircut and dyes her hair from blond to brown.

            At the school dance, her and her friends look the best compared to the Head girl. She makes a fool out of herself in front of Freddy and so Poppy moves in and they share a slow and fast dance, later on she gets him alone after falling and she tries to kiss him. He says he’ll take her out the next day.

            The next day Freddy takes Poppy out to town and they kiss. Before the date Poppy emailed Ruby saying she’ll use Freddy to get out of the school. After leaving for her date the head girl changed her emails a bit.

            After the date Poppy’s friends get a print of the new email saying how much she still hated the school and the people in it. Freddy also receives a copy, and closes the door on Poppy’s face when she tries to explain.

            That night a devastated Poppy sits in a hall and calls Ruby to realize Ruby is no longer a friend to her. Poppy plays with an ‘I love L.A’ lighter. She sets a curtain on fire but quickly turns it out. While she’s in her room she realizes the school is on fire and tells everyone to get out. Everyone gets out ok but when the fire is over Freddy finds her lighter in the burnt room. He quickly gives it to her confidentially.

            Poppy then confesses to the mistress. She is to be judged by the school whether or not she will be expelled. Poppy however doesn’t want to leave anymore. Her friends believe her. At the judging everyone at the school sides with her that it wasn’t her fault. Soon after the head girl brings up her I love L.A lighter. Only Poppy, Freddy and the mistress knew about the lighter. Poppy realizes that the head girl started the fire after Poppy had left. Poppy was allowed to stay at the school.

            The next day Poppy has a rugby game, she helps her team win and her father is there and says he is very proud of her.

            At the end Poppy is at her L.A home with her British friends and Freddy her new boyfriend. THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Review:

            This was a pretty okay movie. The story line was cute, the ending was good, but that’s it. I didn’t find it very funny either. One thing I really hated about this movie was the actors. I hate Emma Roberts, and this movie just made that hate even more. I hated her character. Very annoying. I also hated this movie because Alex Pettyfer turned down The Mortal Instruments: City Of Bones movies as Jace to be in this stupid little movie because at the time he was dating Emma Roberts. So seeing him in this movie seriously pissed me off. He could have been so good as Jace Lightwood instead of that new guy they casted. Anyways this movie was eh. Nothing special, nothing to boast about, but nothing to criticize other than the actors.

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