Top Movies Of 2013

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A break from movie reviews, and summary's. Here are some of the top movies, not released in 2013 but top movies I watched in 2013:

10. Identity Thief (2013)

9. Alive

8. The Heat (2013) with Sandra Bullock and Melissa Mcarthy

7. In Time (2012) with Justin Timberlake

6. The Call (2013)

5. The Chernobyl Diaries

4. Tormented

3. Popeye the movie (1980) with Robin Williams

2. We're The Miller's

and my all time fave of the year:

1. Monsters University

Now how can I forget the top worst movies of the year:

10. Smurfs 2

9. World War Z (2013) with Brad Pitt

8. Texas Chainsaw (the new one)

7. Silent Hill: Revelations

6. piranha

5. Wild Child

4. Silent House

2. Straw Dogs

and the worst movie all year was:

1. Paranormal Activity 4

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