Insidious Chapter 2

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Movie 37: Insidious Chapter 2 (2013)


Elise – Lin Shaye

Josh – Patrick Wilson

Renai – Rose Byrne

Dalton – Ty Simpkins

Carl – Steve Coulter

Specs – Leigh Whannell

Tucker – Angus Sampson

Foster – Andrew Astor

Movie Information:

Rating- 14A

Sequal to ‘Insidious’

My Rating: 3 stars

Movie Summary:

        The movie begins with a younger Josh who is having trouble with the old lady ghost that killed Elise in the last movie. Josh is being questioned as a kid by Elise and a man named Carl, Elise's partner and good friend. The two were called by Josh's mom to help with the problems Josh is having about the ghost. They find out of Josh's special ability of astral projecting during his sleep. They then have a game of warmer and cooler with Elise and they find Josh talking to someone un-human and opens a door.

          The movie then picks up almost immediately after the where the first movie left off. Renai, Josh's wife and an investigator talk about Elise's death. The investigator tells Renai he'll get back to her about whether or not the marks on Elise were made by a human hands, and most importantly if they were made by Josh. With that the family moves to Josh's mothers house (still the same house from when Josh was a kid) to try to get away from all the terrible things that have happened to their family. But as soon as they get there creepy things start happening again. Renai firsts is hearing and noticing the signs, such as the piano playing by itself and the baby chair making noises back and forth. Later Josh's mother experiences things when she walks in to Dalton's room. Dalton wakes up and tells his grandmother something is standing behind her. She hears things go off and is chased by the ghost that haunts Josh. When she goes into the bathroom she sees the lady, but when the door opens it is just Josh. Josh explains to his mother everything is ok.

          With everything going on in the house, everyone is on edge, and while Josh takes the kids to school Renai gets jumpy. She sees the noise bars on the baby monitor going up and down when the baby is sound asleep, and then sees the woman on the couch with a Victorian dress. The lady then leaves and is heard talking to the baby on the monitor. Renai hears the woman slap the baby while it cries. Renai runs to the baby's room to find her missing. The lady then knocks Renai out with a hard slap.

          Meanwhile Josh's mother is troubled by the sightings and speak to Specks and Tucker, the two paranormal investigator who worked with Elise in the first movie. Specks and Tucker are unable to help but then call the old friend, Carl to help out. Carl shows up to Elise's house with the other three and apologies for not contacting them, for he was fearful of what he saw back then. Carl uses his word dice to contact Elise on the other side. They all sit around and ask the questions. They ask her who killed her, she says 'she did' they ask where is she? She says 'hiding' they ask where, and she tells them about an abandoned hospital. Josh's mother says that is the hospital where Josh's haunting began.

            Back at the house Josh returns to find Renai unconscious, Josh is troubled and tries to pick Renai up but as he smells her hair his personality changes. Renai wakes up and tells Josh their baby has been taken. But Josh reassures her telling the baby is fine. Renai wants to leave the home and move again because the problems are happening again, but Josh says no, that they just need to ignore it. They both hear the piano play in the other room. Renai notices the song, for it is the one she wrote Josh, she tells him this but he has no memory of it. He rushes Renai out of the room telling her not to worry. He looks back into the piano room and says 'your home is the shadows now.' We then see the real Josh in the other side at the piano with the lantern screaming no and help and banging the keys.

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