Chapter 16 (Bayani's View)

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I was flying to Seattle for Pax! I couldn't believe that this was happening! I was so excited for everything! Meeting fans, other Cube members, and most of all Will. The plane landed smoothly. I got off and went to a store where I bought a pack of gum and a water bottle. No Cube members were around me, so I was a bit disappointed. I went to the bathroom and checked social media when I felt a light tap on my solider. I turned around and saw Grape's cheerful face.

"Grape! It is so great to finally meet you!" I exclaimed. We then hugged.

"You too! It is so weird to see you in real life, but it is really awesome at the same time," Grape replied happily. We let go of our embrace.

"Hey, have you seen any other Cube members?" I asked Grape.

"No, I just got off my flight. I think Graser and Will have already met. They are probably looking for us. Let's look around," Grape answered. We walked around the airport for a while. We looked in shops and around the area. We still couldn't find them. I tried to call Will, but the cellular service was really bad. Grape and I decided to sit down on a near by bench. There wasn't much of a crowd, and we talked for a while. We decided to look some more. Grape and I were a few steps away from the bench that we were sitting on when a familiar voice yelled my name.

"Bayani! Is that you?" said the mysterious person. I knew that voice. It was Will! I quickly turned around and saw Will's cute face. I ran towards him and hugged him tight. It was one of the greatest moments of my life. I held on to him for dear life and was almost about to cry. Graser walked up behind us holding a camera. He was vlogging for Will.

"I love you babe!" I said as I finally let go of Will.

"Love you too," Will replied softly. Grape and Graser were smiling at the happy moment. Everyone was happy. This is how it is supposed to be.

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