Chapter 9

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"Wow, you really have to work with your math skills!" I pointed out.

"I didn't know. I just asked for tutoring for nothing," he replied sarcastically with an eye roll.

"You asked for tutoring?" I questioned incredulously.

"No, at first I was forced to but then I figured that help in math really wouldn't be that bad at all,"

"Alright.. but I was being damn serious about working with your math. You pretty much don't know stuff like simple algebra questions,"

"Yeah, okay. Whatever. So, page 33 exercises for homework than?"

"Yup, better get those ones correct. I spent hours trying to make you understand!"

"Yeah, fine. See ya, tomorrow bro. Bye Dylan," he said chuckling and sending a small wave in Dylan's direction.

Dylan almost immediately returned the wave with maybe a bit too much enthusiasm than he was supposed to be giving it with.

"Looks like someone's eager today, huh?" Jace mocked Dylan.

And Dylan just playfully glared at Jace who gave one last wave and headed out. I took Dylan's hand in mine and we followed Jace out as both of our cars were parked beside each other.

"Bye, Jace," Dylan said before hopping into the car's backseat. I ducked into the drivers seat and soon after, pulled away from the parking lot.

Right when we drove onto the road, Dylan commented,"Wow. My dear sister is now officially a brother! Man, Roxy, you look so good like this. Never in my life would I have thought that you could have transformed like that! I mean I love your red-"

"Scarlet!" I corrected.

"Shit, that was such a big mistake, PLEASE SPARE MY LIFE!," he said sarcastically as I laughed.

"So, as I was saying, I love your scarlet hair with your beautiful glassy green eyes but you don't look too bad like this either," Dylan said smiling and taking in my appearance once again.

"Glad you like it Dylan. But not a word about this to anyone. Okay? Not even dad," I said suddenly solemnly serious.

He nodded his head understanding and I breathed a sigh of relief.

"But, you have to-" he said blackmailing me once again.

"Take me to ice cream," I completed already taking the turn for the ice-cream shop.

"Oh, my dear sister. You know me so well!" he chirped happily and sat back properly satisfied.

"Seriously, it's not fair! Even the last time, you made me get you an ice cream for keeping this promise!" I wailed.

"Yeah, just to keep the offer valid, though. The deal's off if you don't get me ice cream, right now!"

"I hate you," I stated playfully glaring at him.

"I know, the feeling's mutual," He said with a smirk.

Once we reached I quickly got off and ordered the same flavors we always do:

"One vanilla and one chocolate, please!" 

"Yes ma'am, please sit on one of the chairs and we will be serving your food right away! Enjoy, ma'am!" The cashier said.

"Thank you," I said taking Dylan's hand and walking over to a table.

While Dylan was reading the fun facts from the shop's kids menu, a figure grabbed my attention.

The familiar guy was talking to a woman and finally shook hands.

I was still staring at them and didn't notice the ice cream on our tables.

"Ice cream!!" Dylan squealed and dug into the bowl like a wild animal.

I forced a smile at him but the thought of the guy was still lingering in my head.

'Why did that guy feel so familiar?' I thought.

When I looked back at the window, they were gone. Seeing that Dylan was also done, I paid for only one of the ice creams since I didn't have mine and the waiter started to argue with me. 

"Ma'am, you ordered for both of the ice creams! You have to pay for the both of them!" he complained.

"My point is that I didn't order both of them! I only ordered one vanilla ice cream!" I easily lied.

Fortunately, just then this woman started raising her hand frantically in the air to grab one of the workers attention.

The waiter who was arguing with me walked over to her and asked her what she wanted.

"I ordered a chocolate ice cream ages ago and it still hasn't arrived!" she complained.

The waiter's eyes widened in realization and quickly muttering an apology to me, took the chocolate ice cream from my table into the kitchen and brought a new chocolate ice cream for the lady in a few seconds.

"My bad, miss. I am extremely sorry," the waiter apologized and got going to do his work.

Well, that went good. Luck was definitely by my side. I mean, I did order that ice cream and just a few minutes after a lady got pissed for her own chocolate ice cream!

I took Dylan's hand and dropped him into the car. 

"Dylan, don't move, okay? I'm going to lock you in and don't worry, I'll be back in a few. Plus, you've got your phone, so you can play a few games," I told him.

He gulped but nodded anyways. I couldn't blame him, since it was getting dark. And even though I didn't want to leave him alone, I had to. I just had to find out who that guy was and why he was so familiar.

I walked into same lane I suspected he would go and turned a few rights and lefts, making sure to note where I was going to so  wouldn't get lost.

Just as I was about to give up, I noticed a figure walking and talking to the same lady I saw him shake hands with before, except that this time there were two guys in black with him. 

I quickly hid behind the bush and squinted my eyes in hope to get a clearer view on what they were doing.

First, they talked a little and I could only make out a few gestures, and suddenly the guy ,who I thought seemed familiar, raised a black device in his hands.

It took me a few seconds to realize that the device was in fact a gun. He pointed it at one of the men beside him and pulled the trigger. A very loud 'bang' echoed in the lonely streets and soon after the second man who was now crying over his, I assume, friend's death nodded his head frantically.

I covered my hand with my mouth as I gasped at the dead body. The familiar guy turned his head in my direction to tuck his gun away under his black cape. Wait, what?!?! Oh my god, no.. this COULD NOT BE HAPPENING!

 A few seconds later, they handcuffed the alive man and dragged him with them.

I didn't bother to follow them now. He just shot a man and killed him! I mean sure I'm a fighter and sure I've actually got people unconscious but this is an entirely different matter. HE JUST KILLED HIM!!

Dumbstruck, I walked back to my car and saw Dylan sleeping.

'His phone's battery probably drained,' I thought.

"Sorry..." I mumbled to him.

'Sorry for mom's death. Sorry for the pain. Sorry for the trouble. Sorry for leaving you. Sorry for this. I'm truly and utterly sorry for everything, Dylan. But I'm not going to let you find out about today's incidents.. I NEVER AM!' I thought right before taking my car and driving back home.


What do you think about this chapter? Personally, I think it's alright. Not too great and not too bad. Who do you think she saw in that dark night??

Comment your answer below and vote if you liked the chapter!!

~Pakhi <3

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