Chapter 19

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A/N: Isn't the cover at the top amazing? It sure is one of the best! The cover on the top is made by: @amiability and it's wonderful! When I first got messaged the link, I couldn't believe my eyes. This is an awesome attempt. The competition is still on though. Please make my life easier and comment down there to which one of the covers you loved the best- or if you would still like the current one.

Anyways, the one with the best comments go on the cover of this book! Anyone with any more covers, feel free to message me the link! Thanks again @amiability. I LOVE IT!

Back to the story:


(Aiden POV)

Sadly, leaving back Alvin on the ground. I stormed back to home, still feeling enraged.

Messed up. My life was nothing but messed up.

I mean first dad, then Alvin? He couldn't be the one who fought against Emmett could he?

No, if he was him then he would fight back with stronger punches.

Emmett was actually one of the best fighter- he was someone who even I couldn't defeat. Then a guy comes in, punches him and knocks him out?

And to worsen it, that guy is- maybe- Alvin, the one who I bully.

Perfect. Just perfect!

Why does this have to happen to me? These thoughts swirled in my head as I forcefully pushed the door open causing a loud sound to echo in the house.

Of course, my house was silent as always. Honestly, you could have heard a pin drop.

My mum was usually doing stuff on her phone or makes food in the kitchen (she barely ever talks to me) and my dad was either never at home or in his office doing things I have no clue about. They both don't talk that much to each other except for the times they call each other for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

That was it. Wasn't my family a ball full of joy?

Note the sarcasm.

But for now, I really didn't care. Yesterday, for the first time in eight years- he called me to his office to talk to me.

I thought that for once, he maybe cared. But no, he just wanted to get an action done through me.

Well, I did it. And you should be ashamed not proud, dad! Who asks their kid to bully another at school? Be it a street fighter or a nerd..

As I passed by the kitchen, I saw my mother giving me a questioning look.

'Like she ever cared,' I thought to myself mentally rolling my eyes.

I went up the stairs and once I reached the top floor, I banged on dad's office door and walked in without waiting for him to answer.

He looked at me with a threatening look. "What in the world do you think you're doing, Aiden?" he glared.

I went up to him with a look on my face matching his furious one.

"WHAT AM I DOING!?! Seriously, dad? Cut the crap and tell me why you actually wanted me to hit him there!" I demanded.

"Are you really that dumb?" he asked staring at me as if I was an idiot.

"No, actually, I figured that he was the guy who beat the shit out of Emmett," I deadpanned.

He let out a sigh of relief but then turned confused. "Guy?" he burst out laughing.

I just gave him an 'are-you-crazy' look. "Dad? Are you sure you're okay? Maybe you have a slight fever?" I asked bending over to touch his forehead but he slapped my hand away.

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