Chapter 28

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"Ah," he started shaking his head, "I guess you found me,"

"Dad, please... don't," I pleaded, on the verge of crying. 

"Don't what?" he asked innocently.

"Leave Dylan alone," I warned, suddenly composing myself as I saw the fear and panic in Dylan's eyes.

"How about no?" he laughed.

"Why?" I asked in barely a whisper.

"Because I've always hated you two," he said glaring at the both of us turn by turn.

"What did we ever do to you!?" I screamed in his face and walked towards him threateningly.

"Hold her tight!" he ordered his men and around five or more guys held the both of my arms tightly. I struggled to get out of their grasp but it only caused them to hold my hand tighter.

"So, basically I never wanted kids," he started off clenching his teeth together, "But Katherine wanted kids! She bloody wanted kids! We used to fight every single day because of you two! I wanted her to abort you two but she was insistent! She was so stubborn! Every god damn day I used to think of how I could ever get rid of you two! But Katherine was in the way and she told me that if I even tried to get rid of you, she would leave me and go wherever you two went! She never let you two know that we were constantly fighting because of the both of you. She was in my way and I couldn't do anything. So I joined a gang, you two were so stupid that you even believed that I got a job!" he laughed for a whole minute while I was shooting daggers from my eyes.

"Time passed and I taught you how to fight because I was waiting for this. During this time I proved myself and became head of this gang. Your 'Uncle Ben' also never liked you. You're so worthless that you don't even deserve to live," he spat before continuing, "but Katherine came in the way once again and no matter how much I loved her, I couldn't let that happen. So, I started drugging her. She got weak and I threatened the doctors to tell everyone that she had a heart disease. She didn't die of heart disease, darling. She died because I poisoned her," he said ending it with a smirk.

But that was it. I had lost it. I had lost it the second he said that he was the one who killed her.

I elbowed the guy behind me using the most power I could muster up. Luckily, my hit was deadly and he fell the ground, unconscious.

Using the hand that the other guy left free, I grabbed the hair of the other man and brought it down to my knee. He stumbled a little before blacking out like the other guy. I used the same hand to punch the third one on the face really hardly.

The rage in me was uncontrollable and I saw Dylan trembling from the corner of my eye. 

"Dylan, turn around and cover your eyes," I yelled out to him. He quietly nodded and did exactly what I told him to do.

I twisted the man's arm to the extent where he loosened my grip and started screaming.

"You taught me all of this, dad. Never thought I was going to have to use it on you," I said shaking my head, "But you leave me with no choice."

I grabbed the last man's arm and kicked his face with my leg and he blacked out as well. 

I saw the smirk on dad's face fade as I managed to knock out the last one of the goons who held me. He clenched his teeth tighter and took out a knife from his pocket.

Oh darn, I didn't see that coming. Seriously? What was I expecting? He's a gang leader for goodness' sake... I should have been more aware.

But the next thing he did surprised me even more. He didn't come to me. No, instead he walked backwards with that smirk growing wider by every passing second. My eyes widened as I finally understood what he was doing. He wasn't going to hold it on my neck because he knew that I would manage to knock it off his hands before he knows it.

The Undercover Streetfighter✔ {Under Editing}Where stories live. Discover now