Chapter 14

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I think this story is crap but I will keep writing it as I know now where it's going and please keep fanning and voting and commenting please :) xx



"No you don't, I'll let you stay here with me all day, will that suit you?" He asked and I nodded. 


He pulled me into a hug and tears found there way down my cheeks. I don't want to fight with Ethan but he was being a douche. The bell rang and Sam went to unlock the door.

"Hey, you have my class after this." 

"Oh great." He said as a class of third years came in. The whole school probably knew by now about my outburst in English. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket so I got it out and saw I had 8 new messages.

Babe, I'm sorry for whatever I did, just please talk to me, I'm sorry xxxxxx- Ethan

Babe please xxxxx - Ethan

Babe, please at least tell me where you are, I'm worried, I'm sorry xxxxx - Ethan

Babe where are you? I went to Mr Thomas' room at break and you weren't there and he said you had left and he didn't know where you are, please we're worried about you - Alexis

Madi, where are you? X - josh

Madison tell us where you are please!xx - matt

Madi please tell me where you are. I love you and I'm sorry, just please babe talk to me or at least tell Alexis, Matt or Josh, please babe I'm really worried xxxx - Ethan

Seems everyone's worried about you, I see you're with your other teacher lover, I'll be watching and your secret will come out soon x - unknown number

I froze after reading that last message. I rose my hand.

"Yes Madi?" Asked Sam.

"Can I go to the bathroom please?" I stood up and walked out the door before he could answer. I walked to the bathroom but my feet stopped outside of Ethan's room. I looked in and I saw him look at me. I held his gaze for a minute and when he stood up, I ran.


Faster than I had ever ran before, out of the school and carried on running till I came to the beach. I walked down the dock and climbed up the rocks that were on the side and stopped when I got to the top of them. I sat down on the edge and I looked out to the horizon and I felt tears come streaming down my face. I felt my phone vibrate and I pulled it out and checked my messages.

Babe please just tell me where you are.x - Ethan

Madi how long does it take to go to the toilet, get your arse back here now! x- Sam

I sat there for 2 hours crying and thinking with my phone in my hand that vibrated every 5 minutes. I checked it and saw I had 24 new messages. 15 from Ethan. 4 from Alexis. 2 from Josh, 2 from Matt and one very angry one from Sam. I also had 5 new voice mails. My phone rang and I saw it was Sam. I answered.

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