Chapter 2 home sweet home

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Chapter 2

The plan landed and I got my things and and bumped on Jared he laughed while I blushed.

"So heres my number we can talk text whatever you want."he says handing me a paper I put it in my pocket.

"Um can I see your phone."I said he nodded and gave me his phone I punch in my number in and I hand it back to him.

"there you go."I said he shot me a killer smile my heart skipped a beat but then I remembered Harry my heart just broke again my smile dropped.

"Well I'll see you around."he says I nodded and got off the plan and called a cab I told him the directions where to go I made it home and I grab my suitcases and knocked on the door my mom open the door she looked at me and smiled she looked shocked and surprised.

"Hey mom."I said she tackled me with a hug I smiled and hugged her back gosh I missed her.

"Mark get over here."Mom say Mark as in my dad came and kissed my Moms lips I smiled at them they were so happy with each other it broke my heart even more.

"Angel I missed you do much."Dad said giving me a bear hug hmm I missed his bear hugs I smiled.

"I missed you to dad."I said he smiled for once they looked happy they weren't so happy for a long time since my twin brother Jason died in a car accident he was drunk and coming home from a party he didn't see that truck coming his way that's why I moved to UK I couldn't take the death of my twin brother I was so over protective over him I was older about ten minutes away from him he was so full of life I shook those thoughts away my parents looked at me worried.

"Angel honey are you okay."mom said I nodded.

"Yeah totally."I said my dad looked around.

"Hey where's Harry isn't he always with you."dad said that just knocked the breath out of me tears came in me eyes why did he have to say that.

"Honey what's wrong did he do something to you."mom said worried I nodded.

"Yes he cheated on me with Emily."my voice cracked dad hugged me I cried on his chest.

"Ugh if I ever see that boy he's dead for hurting my baby girl."dad said I laughed at his over protective mode I pulled away and tried to smile.

"I'm fine I'll just put my stuff in my room."I said picking up my suitcases and went upstairs I pasted my brothers room we never go in there it was just to hard every time we try we break down crying it hurts so bad I miss him so much it was always me Jason and Harry ugh I have to stop thinking about that to timer lying cheating bastard but how can I not all my memories was with Harry his wasn't just my boyfriend he was my bestest friend in the whole world since we were four years old I just can't believe he did this to me we told each other everything even when we were dating we told each other everything no secrets I remember he told me he hated cheaters he just hated them well now he is one I just never thought he would be one I walked in my old room I looked around nothing changed wow.

I packed my clothes and I just claps on the bed tears running threw my eyes how could he just throw it away all we had just throned away like throwing a piece of paper how long was he doing this how long did the other guys knew how can I not find out when I always caught him checking her out I remember when I came back from the store he was acting so weird he was always so jumpy and he never looked at me the same how could he that's all I could think was how could he I got up hmm maybe driving around was a good distraction from my thoughts I whipped my tears away I fixed my eyeliner and grabbed my dads keys to his truck and I told them where I was going I hopped in the truck and drove to the park I parked the truck and hopped off I walked around throwing rocks in the river I was about to throw a other one but a hand caught mine.

"Hey Angel what are you doing here in the park."a familiar voice said I looked up to see Jared looking down at me smiling I just looking at him his messy shiny black hair was sexy and his piecing blue eyes just made me flout in water I shook those thoughts away.

"O-oh um you know just walking around throwing rocks in the water nothing really is going on you."I said trying to make a conversation he smiled wider showing all his perfect pearl white teeth I blushed and looked down when I did I saw that he wasn't wearing a shirt showing all his mescals he had a nice six pack and really nice mescals all right and he was all sweaty he was only wearing dark dark green shorts.

"So are you done checking me out."he says smirking I blush even more he chuckles my phone beeped I looked at it 10 missed phone calls from Harry more texts from the boys I frowned and put my phone back in my pocket.

"Urm it was good seeing you but I have to go."I said trying not to cry don't cry don't cry especially not in front of a really hot guy Jared nodded.

"See you around Angel."he says running back to the field where some boys playing soccer or should I say football I don't know I walked back to the truck and hopped in I drove back home I walk up stairs I didn't sleep in my room I walked in my little brothers room nothing really changed nothing moved either I walked around till something caught my eye it was a picture of me and Jason it was our twelve birthday I was hugging him from the side he was rolling his eyes I smiled at that we were so young and happy back then we didn't have problems we just kids I will never ever forgive myself for what happen I was post to be the big sister I had to be the responsible one protect him from anything but no hurt him he was so young to only seventeen I mean I'm still seventeen it wasn't so long since he died it just hurt so much not seeing him smile or I tease him about me being older then him I just wish he was here so he could hug me and say it'll be all right when I know it wouldn't be he was the only thing I had left my parents really didn't care about me they only cared about Jason he had to be and straight A student he had to be perfect he had to play soccer and win when I tried out they got mad at me.

Saying I was a girl I couldn't play sports only guys could that'a why I didn't really care about my parents I only stood around because of Jason he wanted to be around his older sister he didn't care of I was older then him he just cared that I was there I wish I could hear him laugh I always mad him laugh when he was in the bad mood I cried myself to sleep I just lost the most two people in my life who I lived so much.


Harry Styles cheated on me now im a vampireWhere stories live. Discover now