Chapter 19 20 Questions

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Chapter 19

I lay down on my bed it was 7:30 at night everybody was out doing whatever they do I was the only one home Jason was out racing his new car while I lay here thinking about that kiss.


he lean in until our lips touched the kiss lasted five seconds before I pulled away.

"Harry, what are you doing." I whispered.

I took a step back Harry snapped out of his dazed looked and start to panic.

"Um um I'm s-sorry I didn't t-think what I was d-doing." he stuttered.

He looked as shock as I was.

"Harry, I don't like you that way I'm sorry I see you as a brother almost." I lied.

How can I see him as a brother he was my ex boyfriend that I probably still love his face got confused.

"I better go." I said.

He nodded.

"Yeah I think you should." he says.

I ran to my car I didn't see Jason anywhere he probably left when he saw me and Harry walking in the forest I saw Harry jump in his black Range Rover and speeded off I stayed there thinking what just happen dammit he does like Angela but I'm the same person.


So yeah that's what happen but that was a week ago we haven't talked since the kiss happen we just glance at each other and look away Harry as been very suspicious of me and my family he would alway's look at us and stare really good and he would look into my eyes seeing if they got darker or lighter.

I heard he was in Port Angeles with the guys they were there to watch a movie that came out I think it was called the Heat it was funny kinda I don't know I liked it.

I sighed and got up from my bed and went downstairs I saw a letter and a credit card on the table it said.

'Hey Angel can you please go to Port Angeles to get my dress it's at the new dress store please go pick it up it's under Alice Cullen

Love Alice.

I thew away the note and picked up the credit card and went to my Shiny black Camaro I put the credit card in my pocket and drove off to Port Angeles.

It took me a few minutes to get there I drove to the newest dress store and got off I went in the store.

It a little fancy white purl wall with light pink loops going on top of the walls marble floors lots and lots of dressed in many sizes I went to the front desk.

There was a lady who looked in her mid thirties she had little but of greasy dark ash blonde hair her skim was tannish pale with brown eyes she very skinny but she had pounds of makeup on.

She smiled sweetly at me.

"How, can I help you." she says with a annoying high voice.

I raised my brow.

"Um yes there is a dress needed to be pick up."

She goes to a computer and type something's.

"Name." she says in a mono voice.

"Alice Cullen,"

"Ahh yes Alice Cullen, order the slick cocktail dress I'll bring it too you." She says.

And run in the back I pulled out the credit card that Alice she come out with a dark ruby red cocktail dress that come to you're knees and rubies all around the lace belt but it wasn't a belt I think it was a ribbon the top of it was shaped of a heart.

Harry Styles cheated on me now im a vampireWhere stories live. Discover now