chapter 34 Edward and Bella's story

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Chapter 34

I open the door and took my jacket off so did Harry we walk in the living room where everybody was at I was surprise to see Jason leaning against the wall glaring at the ground.

"You must be Harry, Angel, has been talking about." Esme say's I heard Jason snort I glare at him he just blew me a kiss I roll my eye's.

"Yes I am that Harry she's been talking about its very nice to meet you Ms. Cullen, and doctor Cullen, you have a lovely home." Harry say's shyly blushing a little I smirked.

"Why thank you and please call me Esme." Esme say's.

"And call me Carlisle, Doctor Cullen's make's me feel old." Carlisle say's smiling Emmett snorts.

"Please you are old older then anybody in this room." Emmett say's Carlisle just ignore him "I see you've alrighty met the other's."

There were a lot of hi, hey's, and sup, then it drop in a awkward silence.

"Well is it alright if I take Harry, for a tour around the house." I said smiling flashing my teeth.

"Sure your more welcome to," Carlisle say's smiling I grab Harry's hand and drag him to the kitchen he look at it in awe it was big with big windows the desks was cherry rich red desks and the walls were white but Esme has been thinking about changing it we had a silver medal refrigerator with hard wood floor board's there were a lot of rich cherry red commits let's just say there weren't word for it that's how beautiful it is it's a shame that we barely use it.

"It's very pretty." Harry say's I nod.

"Yeah to bad we don't use it." I said then I pull him upstairs I shown him Carlisle's study the library Carlisle and Esme room and Rosalie and Emmett room then Alice and Jasper room finally Edwards old room which is mine now I was nervous.

I didn't want to know what'll he think about it with my old life my room was very bright and colorful now since I change into a vampire my colors turn into dark one I open my door and we walk in he took in my room I had dark dark puple wall's that look black with white trimmings I had a huge dark purple bed with a darker purple headboard I don't know why I have it because I don't sleep at all then there was a velvet black curtain hang behind it.

I had a bright red night stand and the right side of the bed that had a black vase with black flowers and orange lights and on the night stand there was a mirror on the wall then my white desk with a huge mirror and all my stuff scattered all over it behind it was big three windows connected together with a orange curtain that went half way and to the corner of my room was a heavy wood mirror with beautiful design on it Alice decide to paint it dark purple to match the room.

"It's so vampy and mysterious I like it... it's hot." Harry say's seriously I raise my left brow trying to not laugh.

"You think my room is hot have you lost it Harry." I said chuckling he laughs cutely.

"Well it's a little dark but I still like it plus it matches your personality now that your a vampire." He say's sitting down on my large bed I sat down next to him we were facing the wall opposite to my bed where my shelf full of books and cds with my radio on the middle of the shelf.

"Yeah I know once I fine out that I lost our baby and that everything that happen between us my whole world crashed down and my whole personality changed my favorite bright colors turn into dark one's and have you really notice I barely smile at anyone only at you and rest of my family I barely even smile at Zayn, or Liam, and Louis, it's still me but just darker you know." I said as I lay down he cobied my actions and we stare at my dark blue ceiling yeah I know blue ceiling weird but I'm weird person so I didn't care.

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