Chapter 26 Jealousy

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Chapter 26

I lay there with Harry on top of me his arms were wrapped around my waist bringing me closer to him his head was tucked between me shoulder and neck his legs were on the side of my legs and his whole body was on top of mine he felt so warm and cuddly I loved it I missed it his warmth I miss cuddling with him I miss how he would smile at me and kiss my lips.

I sighed I open my eyes I felt Harry move his head up his up crap now I was prepared for him to be screaming at yelling he look into my eyes I ready for him to yell and short.

Here it comes here it comes.

He raised a brow and glared at me he got me grabbed clothes and went into the bathroom.

My reaction was probably the funniest I had this weird face on.

'What the hell.' I thought to myself.

oh well I got up grabbed my clothse and went into the hallway bathroom took a ice cold shower and dressed into a dark ripped skinny jeans and a gray tight T-shirt that show all my curves on trust me I am pretty curvy that the only thing that Emily will kill for and a half leather fitting jacket and I put my black and white All-Star Converse.

I let my hair down with my super hearing I heard the door slam shut and footsteps and a car starting Harry must left he was thinking about Starbucks I shrugged and got out of the bathroom I saw Jason going downstairs so I went to.

"Hey Jason, where were you last night." I said as we enter the kitchen.

"I was hunting well more like trying to get away from Emily," he said.

I look into his bright green eyes yep he hunted alright I need to my eyes are getting really dark and I think Niall is noticing my eyes darking day by day maybe I should go hunting.

"Hunting sounds really good right now." I said licking my lips with hunger my throat was kinda burning.

"Yeah I think you should go hunting Angel, you don't want to kill the whole One Direction now do you because if you do I don't think they're fans will like you very much." he says playfully.

I chuckled I left the house and start running I immortal speed to the woods which was far away once I was in there I stopped and close my eyes and took a deep breath from my nose I smelled a deer my eyes snapped open.

I jumped on a tree and I saw the deer eating the grass I lunge at it and bite its neck drinking the delicious blood after that I caught a mountain lion I didn't even know they had those in England huh learn something new everyday.

hours went by and I was still hunting I looked at my watch it was already 7:45 oh crap the lads probably wondering where am I.

I ran back to the house I looked my clothse not even one drop of blood was on me good I walked in Zayn Liam Jason Louis and Emily was sitting on the couches watching a movie it was the hunger games catching fire it was a cool movie but Emily was trying to get they're attention. 

" Hey guys." I said passing by them.

"Hey." they all said except for Emily she glared at me I flipped her off.

she was taken back by my reaction I shook my head and went in the kitchen I was so fed up of Emily always arguing with me and Harry expecially me always saying I broke or stole one of her things then me and Harry would argue about it.

and all she did was smirk at me and look smug I hate her how many times I said and thought that I dont even remember.

I walk in the kitchen to see Niall making popcorn he had soda bunch of different kind of candy all in one hand and the other had the remote for the TV he walked pass me and gave the stuff to Liam and walked back in the kitchen.

Harry Styles cheated on me now im a vampireΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα