Chapter 12 What the hell

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It's been two months since Harry and the others are here and lets say Harry and I are really close like it use to be when we were little best friends my whole family didn't like the idea of it sup for Jason he didn't really care about me hanging around him a lot he only cared if he ever hurt me again he can kill him anyway I knew Harry was getting suspicious of me but I still stuck around Harry still cry's over the fact that I'm dead I was trying really hard make his mind busy so he wouldn't think about it and that's hard really hard Louis and Zayn Niall and Liam and not so happy that I'm hanging around him to but they're happy that Harry's getting better way better

So right now I was going to Harry's place because it's my birthday today and i want to caelerbret it with him I knew I wasn't going to change I'm still stuck in a seventeen year old body forever I shut off the car and start to walk to his door I knocked but right when my hand hit the door it was right open I just shrugged off I went in and everything was dark no light were I guess Louis Niall Zayn and Liam left but still here a heartbeat upstairs I go in the kitchen and saw a crunched up note I read it.

'Harry me Zayn Louis and Niall went to the store we'll be back


Hmm I crunched it up and went upstairs I heard sobbing I ran to Harry's room I smelted blood I stopped I knew my eyes got darker I get my phone and look in the screen I was dressed as Angela but my eyes turn so dark green almost to black I should of hunted before I came here I barged in his room I saw him there in the corner rocking back and forth holding a razor crying really bad his face was turning red I saw blood was gashing out if his arm he was bleeding really bad I ran to him he cried worster when he saw me.

"Harry what the hell are you doing are you crazy are you trying to get yourself killed." I yelled he nodded my eyes widen oh boy his worster then I thought I grabbed more like yanked him and and dragged him to the bathroom I undressed him he would push my hands away but I didn't let it I took off his jeans and shirt I left his boxers on I but the water on left it running Harry tried to get out of my hands I didn't budge I threw him in the tub I grabbed a sponge and gently patted his arm man he cut deep but to deep to kill himself why would he do this I thought he was getting better when the blood stopped Harry was crying really bad I grab a towel and took him out if the tub I whipped his body he still tried to get out of my hands I growled he stopped I looked in his eyes he looked in mine in fear he saw my eyes darken I think now they're black now I grabbed him and dragged him to his room I put PJ's on him and lay him on the bed he was still crying.

"Harry why the hell would you do that you could have killed yourself did you ever think what would happen if I didn't come here you would've been dead right now." I yelled he snuggled in his covers and tears running out of his eyes.

"Maybe that's what I want to die and be with her." he yelled at me I sighed and ran a hand in my hair I laid on the bed with him I grabbed him and put him closer to me he nuzzled his head I my neck I ran my fingers in his wet curly hair.

"Harry did you know what you could've done and effected a lot of people like Liam Zayn Niall Louis your mother your sister your fans do you really want then to be sad like you right now." I said like I was talking to a five year old in still in shock what I saw earlier.


"Then stop with this it's killing you Harry let it go." I said he cried in my neck.

"I can't let it go I love her so much I just can't and today it's her birthday the day she turns eighteen I miss her so much she was pregnant with my baby I suppose to be a father I was ready to I wanted a family with her only her but I can't now she's gone I'll never see her again." he sobbed I rubbed his back up and down.

Harry Styles cheated on me now im a vampireWhere stories live. Discover now