Chapter 21 you're a Monster

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Chapter 21

He stared at me pretty good he was frozen on his stop his face turn so white as a ghost no as me my skin color now I got up slowly he got more fear and terrified when I did that hurt he scared of I mean I would be to if you saw the person you were close was a Vampire and drinking from a deer I walked very slowly to him taking each step with my hands up as surrender.

"Harry, listen to m-

But he cut me off by screaming this.

"Get away from me you bloodsucking demon."

And he ran away I flinched not when he said bloodsucking but demon that hurt really bad seeing him run from me was like someone punching a hole in into my dead heart I couldn't let him run away he might tell someone I panicked I ran after him inhuman speed I was in front of him in no time I caught him he flinches away from me and got out of my hold.

"No get away you're covered with blood you killed that deer your a monster and bloodsucking monster Angela," He says more like screamed.

I growled monster I am not a monster and Angela I looked down oh thank god I was still transformed into Angela.

"Harry, you need to listen to me I'm not a monster-

And yet again he cut me off.

"Yes you are you kill people Angela Cullen, you kill you drink they're blood for you're own sake-

This time I cut him off

"Will you listen to me Harry, yes I drink blood for my own sake but not human blood animal blood just not to kill humans I don't want to be a monster Okay and please don't tell anyone Harry, please." I begged.

He stared into my eyes his eyes were not more scared they were angry and raged.

"And way not I have the right to tell anyone that you're a bloodsucker a Vampire because you lied to me Angela, I thought you cared for me but you didn't all you want is my blood I thought you were a caring nice loving person." he says looking down with tears pouring out of his eyes.

"Harry I am that same person just that I drink blood that's all not human blood animal blood I will never ever drink you're blood Harry."

His eyes changed again to anger and rage.

"How would. I know that huh Angela, you might want me to trust you then when I'm not looking you'll bit my neck and drink me dry and I don't want that I'm going too tell." he says and turn away to leave.

He start to walk but I had to think of something of he tells that would ruin us the Volturi would come and kill the whole Cullen clan because a human found out and told everybody and Harry as the power to do that.

"Okay tell but who is going to believe you." I said he turn around.


"Who's going to believe you Harry, Louis, huh I don't think he will nobody believes in Vampires anymore they think it's a myth." I said more like growl.

He stared at me for a while then looked at the dead deer shook his head.

'Why do I feel like this my mind tells me to run but my heart tells me to stay,' he thought.

"Angela, you lied to me when I told you if that legend story about the cold ones was real you look me in the eye and no that it was just a rumor you lied Angela, I trusted you with my heart then I found out that you're a Vampire a blood thirsty Vampire and the cold ones are true." he says.

He stared at me with those sad big green eyes and he did look broken like when I first saw him in the cafeteria he looked like he wanted to cry just so sad but why I thought he only thought of me as a friend was it because of that kiss I mean yes I enjoyed it I only said it was lousy because of him.

"Harry, I'm so sorry I ha-

He cut me off buy yelling.

"No Angela, I had it up to here." he said raising his arm above his head "I'm so tired of lies alright just admit it you are a bloodsucking demon who lies to get her ways and when she finds someone who she wants to pin down and suck all the blood in they're body well you wanna know something Angela, that someone is not me."

Then he turn around and left me there shock hurt anger and scared shock of what he said hurt because what he said and anger of myself for getting to close to a human and scared because If he tells we are all screwed and because he will never ever forgive me.

I stood there looking at the spot where he left I felt numb he thinks I'm a bloodsucking demon and he thinks I only became friends with him for his blood I looked down I will never drink his blood his to imported to me.

I fell to the ground and start to sob I feel like when the time I caught Harry and Emily together in bed that how I felt I got blood all over me my hands and throat shirt and jeans I felt to arms go around me I looked up to see Jason looking down at me with sadness on his face did he hear all that.

"If you're wondering yes I heard and saw everything." He says quietly.

I nodded and sobbed harder in his chest I feel like my heart just got stomped over and over again and got tossed away in the crash like that.

Jason picked me up I transformed us back into our selfs he start to run back to our home I felt to numb I couldn't feel anything when Jason got to our house and into it everybody looked at us confused I replayed the sense of me and Harry Edward gasped and looked at me.

"He found out." that's all Edward say and everybody looked shocked well except Rosalie she looked pissed off.

Jason brought me to my room and but me on the bed I ran to my closet and grabbed sweat pants and a swear shirt went into the shower took a very quick one and changed the ran back to my bed when I was there Jason wasn't in my room anymore I guess he wanted to give me alone time.

I lay down and looked up at the ceiling why does it feel like we just broke up when we didn't we weren't even going out so why why do I feel this way I thought about that kiss sure at first it was awkward then it was not it felt like the old times when I kissed him such love such passion does Harry like me I mean Angela but I would have known because I can read his mind.

There was a knock at me door.

"Come in." I said Nessie comes and seats on me bed.

"So Ant Alice, said you punched Emily, why would you I mean she was you're best friend why do you hate her so much." she said.

Nessie still didn't know about the whole Emily and Harry thing and why Emily hates me I have no Idea why maybe it was time to tell her what happen between me Harry and Emily.

"Well you know me and Harry, broke up before I got hit by that car and you don't know why we broke up right."

She nodded "Right."

"Well um I was going to London to surprise Harry, and tell him I was pregnant when I got to his house I went upstairs to see Emily, and Harry, together in bed naked and when did I ran out of there and when I was going downstairs he caught my arm and said let me explain but I caught him off by saying I was it's over and all at way in the end I told him your going to be a dad then left to my parents." I explained.

Her face paled she looked mad.

"What Emily, did that and Harry, he cheated on you oh my god she's a horrible friend very horrible and don't get my started on Harry, how can he do that to you I mean you loved him and gave him everything and he went behind you're back and cheated o-

But I cut her I couldn't hear it it still hurt me knowing that the fact I was cheated on but the love of my life cheated on even thou he was drunk.

"Please Nessie, not now in need some time alone right now." I begged.

She caught on and nodded she got up and walked to door but I can tell she was still angry of what Harry and Emily did to me but can you blame Harry he's a boy after all he can't help it if you saw a really hot girl come by you and have you shots and flirted with you a lot of course you'll fall for her.

I curled up in a ball and got my iPod and listen to sad heart breaking songs wow it really does feel like we broke up.

It's been like hours and all I did was stay in my bed and listen to songs right now I wish I can sleep I was sleeping it was the only thing to get out of this world and dream you're own world and the only thing that made me relax and forget everything.

I sighed get up I heard yelling from downstairs I ripped the earbud from my ears and went downstairs Rosalie and Jason was yelling at each other.

"And why not he knows now Jason, he can tell someone he has the power to and if the Volturi find out that a human know's our secret again they will be coming here and kill us or Harry, and I don't want to deal with the Volturi again like the last time it's better off if I just kill him myself and save us from trouble." she yelled at Jason.

I saw how Bella looked down Edward pulled her into his lap and kissed her temple and whisper something in her ear but I knew what said Jason growled wait did she say kill Harry for herself I growled pretty loud everybody snapped they're head at me ran to Rosalie and grabbed her neck and pinned her against the wall Emmett got up and tried to grab me but I pushed him away.

"No you will not you will never lay a hand on Harry, got that Rosalie, if you do I will hunt you for the rest of my life and trust me that will never end I'll make you're life a living dead I'll make you wish you were never born." I growled my eyes were so dark the before it was almost black and threading.

She glared at me from her thoughts she didn't care she that I wasn't serious I squeezed hard she grabbed my arm and tried to yank my off my didn't let go big mescals arms went arms me and pulled me away from her I growled and struggled to get out off his grip I knew it was Emmett.

"And Rosalie, you can't kill him because his famous he has a lot of people looking after him he has a band he his the would famous band of Harry, if you do kill Harry, you'll just expose us to everybody and really truly the Volturi will come and kill us." Jason told her she yelled and went upstairs.

I got out of Emmett's grip he went upstairs to comfort Rosalie I just glared to the floor everybody stared at me I turn and went upstairs with Jason hot on my heels I stumped on my way to my room I went in jumped on my bed I was way to angry to talk but I knew Jason wanted to.

"Angel, Rosalie will never hurt Harry, okay so don't worry about that." he says.

"Yeah I know that but I'm just I don't know angry because he won't forgive me or talk to ever again man I knew I should have ignored him but no I'm so stupid I put my whole family in danger what's wrong with me."

He sat on my bed and took my hands.

"Angel, look at me." he says I did "Nothing is wrong with you got it you just missed him and I guess you wanted to be friends like old times but Angel, nobody will hurt him nobody."

"I know that Jason, but he'll never look at me like a friend he'll look at me like a monster it's done Jason," I said huffing and laying down on my bed it was quite for a minute.

"Will. . .he tell anybody about you that you're a Vampire will he expose us." Jason says quietly.

"I don't know Jason, but come on it's Harry, we are talking about here he won't rush into things he'll take his time but I don't know of he will tell anybody."

Jason sighs I never saw him so sad in his life till not I ruffled his hair.

"Come on Jason smile a little don't worry I'll talk to him." I said.

Getting up and going into my closet I grabbed my Black and white All-Star Converse and slipped them on.

"How will you know he'll to you."

"If he won't I'll just have to threaten him to not tell anybody or you can use you're power on him to make him think it was all a dream." I said as I tied my hair up.

"You'll do that even if you do want him to know you're secret." he says getting up and walking to the door.

"If I have to I will do it." I whispered as I transformed into Angela but I kept my eyes gold I mean if he already know my secret them why hide my now new eye color but he still don't know I'm Angel Davis.

I walked to my balcony and jumped over the railing and start to run to the direction of Harry and the lads house I passed the trees as I went faster the trees were getting faster to past as I saw the three story house I jumped on the roof and climbed into Harry's there he was laying on his bed I thought he was sleeping so I walked to him but I saw his eyes were wide awake and the snapped at me.

I froze he blinked a couple of time then sat straight up but still didn't get off the bed his eyes were wider the before when he saw my eyes.

"What are you doing here Angela, stay away from me." he said in a rush.

I backed away couple of steps.

"Listen Harry, I came here to tell you not to Tell anybody that I'm a Vamp-

But he cut my off.

"Don't worry I didn't tell anybody it's not my secret to tell and if that's all you had to say please leave to that window." he says pointing to the window.

"No that wasn't it Harry, please know that I will never ever hurt you." I said.

He looks down and played with his fingers and stayed quite.

"Tell me something that kiss was it a friendly kiss or was there a meaning of it." I said.

"Angela, I don't want to talk about the kiss right know just go I need to think about things." he says looking into my eyes and flinches because they weren't freakishly green anymore.

"But Harry-

"Just leave Angela." He says I looked to his eyes and he did want me to leave.

Hurt and sad went all over my face if I was human I was human I would be crying right now I walked to the window one last glance at Harry and jumped out ran all the way back home feeling hurt.

(AN: So how was that anyway Happy late Thanksgiving vote or Comment if you want me to update)

Harry Styles cheated on me now im a vampireWhere stories live. Discover now