Chapter 27 Kiss me

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Chapter 27

When we heard a gasp we both broke away I was shocked how good the kiss was and confused why did the kiss feel good I looked at the person who gasped it was Harry he had a pain redden all over his face it looked like he couldn't breath he clench his heart a tear slipped from his eyes next thing I know he was running upstairs.

I ran after Harry I smelt his tears he ran into our room and slam the foor but I was faster when the door was coming I stopped it slided in.

I closed the door and turn to see Harry giving me a murderous look his eyes were glossy from the tears and they were red I felt disgust with myself.

"Why did you kiss him do you love him does he make you feel s-

But I cut him off because he was talking really fast.

"Whoa wow slow down Harry, I can barely understand you first I don't know why kissed him second no I don't really love him so there and by the way why do you even care if I kiss Niall, you hate me." I said.

I stared into those green eyes they held nothing but pain and lost.

"Angela, I dont hate you I made you think that I been trying to make you hate me."

I pulled my two eyebrows together confused why would he want that I thought he wanted to be friends I thought he actually liked to be friends with me but that was before he caught me drinking that deer.

"But why I thought you wanted at least be friends or something."

he shook his head.

"No Angela, you don't get it's complicated you'll never understand how I'm feeling." he says sighing.

he sat down on the bed I sat down next to him.

"Maybe if you tell me I will understand." I said he shook his head.

"No it's to weird talking about my feeling's."

I groaned.

"Then how am I going to underspend you if you don't talk about you're feelings to me." I said raising my brows at him.

"Okay okay everytime I see you I get a flash of Angel, go threw my eyes then back to you and everytime you're near me I just . . . I don't know kiss you because you remind me so much of Angel, I mean as in you're personality and I think I kinda of feelings for you I don't know I'm so confused." he says.

He stare into my bright freakishly green eyes explaining all his feeling out but it was quite for a little while until he broke it.

"Ugh I knew I should have never told you I s-

But I cut him off.

"No no it fine Harry, really I'm just confused you hated me you called me names you called me a demon a bloodsucker a monster sometimes you called me a bloodsucking leech that hurt Harry, I have feeling to you know Vampires have feelings they're like humans just that we are stronger faster and well more good looking." I said.

He laughed at the part that I said good looking.

"So much like Angel," he whispers.

He lay down on the bed and closed his eyes.

"You know Harry, I do have feeling for you I always did." I said.

He pulled his eyes together and open his green eyes.

"But what about Niall Angela, are using him if you are I'll-

"No no Harry, nothing like that I just don't know how my feeling for Niall I mean they are there but I don't know did you ever have that feeling that you were torn between two poeple." I said.

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