Chapter 3 The Accident

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Chapter 3

It's been weeks since I came here and it was going good I still never told my parents being pregnant I was to scared I was hanging out more with Jared he was pretty cool guy he helped me out a lot trying to forget H...I mean 'him' I could never say his name it hurt to bad I had to change my phone number because they wouldn't stop calling and texting it was to bad Jared was leaving he said he was helping his mom and dad move he didn't tell me where he was moving it just told me to he was going call me when he gets there that's it now I'm just walking home minding my own business I walked in okay just tell them what could go wrong they were already sitting down.

"Mom dad I have to tell you something it really important."I said they turn off the tv they looked at me seriously.

"Honey what's wrong."Mom said I sat down nervously.

"Well how do I say this I'm I-I I'm p-p-p-p-."

I was cut off.

"Oh just spit it out will ya."Dad said I took a big breath.

"I'm pregnant with Harry's child."I said really slowly dad was shocked while mom was flaming.

"WHAT how could you your so young your not keeping this baby I say you should kill 'it'."Mom screamed I looked at her shocked she wanted me to kill my baby sure 'he' cheated on me but still I wasn't going to kill the little pour baby it was mine.

"No I'm not Theresa it's my baby I'm not going to kill 'my' baby you always push me doing something that I don't want to do and this is going to far I'm keeping it."I yelled hell to the no was I killing this baby I don't care if its 'his' I will still love this child it was mine how could my mom be so cruel she gasped.

"How dare you speak to your mother like that."my dad yelled pointing at me.

"Fine how about this when the baby is out of you you put it in adoption and it's all done huh."Theresa said I will not call her mom.

"No what don't you get I'm keeping this baby it's mine not yours I will love this child like I never loved anything before and you can't take it from me."I yelled she was now turning red.

"How could you be such I slut sleeping around with boys I raised you better then that."she screamed in my face I gasped she never called me a slut.

"What are you saying you never raised me I raised myself you were to busy raising Jason you didn't even have a time of a day with me so don't go around saying I raised you better when you didn't."I screamed and ran out grabbing my keys to my junky Honda and drove off I drove to my other friend Sally she knew everything she knows how it feels to be cheated on her husband Sebastian cheated on her with her sister he told her he only married her for her sister that just plain cruel I pulled in Sally was rich so she had a huge house I knocked she open the door but it wasn't her it was Sebastian what is he doing here.

"Good after noon Angel."he says I glared at him Sebastian was good looking for a thirty six year old he doesn't even look that old he has brownish black hair he was silted tan skin hazel grey eyes which I don't get and sharp jawline and very handsome figure and he was wearing a suit he was 6'7 foot tall so he was really tall.

"Where's Sally Sebastian."I said harshly he glared at me and pointed up stairs I pushed past him and went up stairs I and went to her room there was a lot of boxes everywhere I saw her in her closet.

"Hey Sally."I said she jumped and looked at me she saw that I was crying.

"Oh honey what's wrong."she says hugging me Sally didn't look like her age either she was really pretty which I don't get why Sebastian would cheat on her she had strawberry blonde hair that came to her hips white creamy skin crystal blue eyes very flawless face it was like a angle face and she was skinny not to skinny and she was 5'7 foot tall she was like a model she got all her fathers looks while her sister looked like her age she was very mean Sally was nice haves a great personality.

"Um I told my parents about me being pregnant and they flipped and she told me to go kill my baby or adoption it I can't do that Sally it's my baby I love it so much."I said tears were coming more she whipped them away.

"Don't cry please don't cry I hate seeing a beautiful women cry how about you live with me I mean I'm only one person In this huge house and Sebastian is leaving and never coming back so it will be like a girls sleepover."she squealed I smiled she always did act like teenage girl I lay down on the bed.

"So why is there boxes all over."I said.

"Oh those are Sebastian stuff."

I nodded and soon I fell asleep.

________Next Morning________

It was morning now wow I sleep the whole day I went in the shower and brushed my teeth I wrapped the towel around me and I stepped out there was a outfit on the bed hmm maybe Sally put that there so I could where I dress in the outfit it was dark skinny jeans white striped shirt and a blue jacket over it and coco brown boots that come to my knees and I walked downstairs I looked around to find Sally but couldn't fine her hmm wonder where she went my bully growled I laughed guess I'm hungry I walked in kitchen there was a note on the frige it said.

*hey Angel we ran out of milk so I went to the store be back in a hour love Sally xoxo*

I threw it in the trash can I grabbed my keys and went to Starbucks I order a coffee and waffles.

"Here you go."the girl who worked here said I nodded and say down I drank my coffee and ate my waffles in peace when I was walking out I caught a magazine on the floor I picked it up and saw the front paige it was Harry and Emily they were holding hands kissing while Zayn Niall Liam and Louis were in the car just looking at this made my heart break how could he does he remember me I didn't relies I was crying because a drop of water went on the paper I dropped the magazine and ran out of there him and Emily why would he do this I was so hurt that I didn't even see that car coming at me all I know I felt a lot of pain and a saw blackness.

Harry Styles cheated on me now im a vampireWhere stories live. Discover now