Chapter 22 Talk about hate

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Chapter 22

It's been two days since I talked to Harry and the lads well I talked to Louis a little bit but Harry all he does when he see's me he gets quite and he walks off going to Emily how many times I'm going say this I hate her with a capital H all she does is smirk at me but I left a huge bruise on her face man I was so happy that I punched it felt good punching her today Harry and the lads will be leaving without me.

Yesterday Louis came to me at Lunch and said if I was going or not I knew I had to give Harry some space so I said I was visiting my cousins in a Alaska so I couldn't go he was disappointed but he let it go when he heard Emily was going he said he never meet someone so annoying of course I had to laugh at that yes Emily can annoy someone just by talking.

I was walking in the empty hallway when heard people talking.

"Okay okay so you fancy Emily," I heard Zayn say I froze you who fancied Emily I hide behind the lockers.

"No gross man sure she has the looks but her personality kills it she's cruel and heartless." I heard Harry say.

"True that my friend but I think he fancy's someone else." Louis says more like sang it.

"Who." Niall says.

"It start with an A and it ends with a A." Louis says.

"Who Louis, just tell us." Zayn says.

"Ugh you guys are no fun it's Angela Cullen, of course." Louis says like it was obvious I saw Harry's cheeks turn crimson red.

"No I don't Louis, I like her as a friend thats all." Harry argued back crossing his arms to his chest.

"Ohh I think he does he is blushing my my my Harry, is growing up." Louis says whipping fake tears Harry seemed to be mad.

"No I don't Louis, I only love Angel, I will always love Angel, okay so please stop saying I love Angela, when I don't all I see her as a friend." he said then stalked off.

The lads stared after him.

"Geez what crawled up his ass and died." Niall says shaking his head.

"Yeah I never saw him so angry before you think he's getting depress again." Liam says with a worried face on.

"I don't know I mean he was getting better when he was talking and hanging out with Angela, but since they don't talk anymore his been acting like that maybe he is getting depress again." Zayn says his phone and checked twitter.

"I hope not I mean I miss Harry, the old Harry," Louis Says frowning Liam patted his back.

"It'll be alright Louis." Liam told him all Louis does is look down.

"I hope so." he whispers.

"Hey guys have you checked Emily's, twitter it all filled with death threats." Zayn says.

"What noway." Niall says grabbing the phone.

"Way I mean look at this one hey that should have been you that got hit by that car not Angel," Zayn says reading out loud for the Lads to hear.

"And this one Emily Wilson, you're a big fat whore why don't you get hit by a car and just die already nobody like you anyway." Niall says reading the death threat out loud.

"Wow talk about hate." Liam mumble.

"Yeah thats just cruel man." Zayn says.

"Don't you think she deserves it." Niall says.

They all snapped they're head at him shocked so was I Niall was never cruel but then again it's Emily we are talking about here Louis gasped.

"Niall, what do you she deserves it." Louis says.

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