Chapter 38 Options

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Chapter 38

"I'm staying here." Harry says we in the Cullen house Alice saw the voluri coming today it was just Aro Claus and Marcus

"You can't Harry, they kill you instant if they see you." I said crossing my arms.

"But they already now about me." He says.

"That's true if you hide him it'll just make it worse." Alice says.

"We won't let them hurt him Angel." Esme says.

"Fine but you stay by me all time's got it." I said sternly at him he nods his.

"Yes I got it." he says.

"Okay when will they be here." Bella says.

"Thirty minutes." Alice says.

"Great." Jasper says.

We were all in the living room Carlisle was looking at his watch counting thirty minutes Jasper was trying to calm everyone down.

"What if something happens." I said leaning against the wall.

"Nothing is going to happen." Edward says.

"But what if it does what if they won't give Harry, a chance like they gave Bella, then what." I said.

No one said anything they just look down then that moment three figures were in the living room Harry gasp I push him behind me protectively.

"Well well if isn't the Cullen's bringing a human in this again." Claus sneers glaring at Harry Aro raise his hand to Claus to quiet him

"Now Carlisle, what do we have here another human this is your second time exposing us you know what that means." Aro says his ruby eyes looking straight at me I glare at him with hatred.

"I know Aro, but Harry, is family now and we don't harm our family." Carlisle says Claus rolls his eyes.

"You Cullen's are a disgrace to Vampires-

But Aro cut Claus off.

"Claus please we are not here to insult them we are to fix a 'problem'." Aro says I growl when he said problem his ruby eyes shoot back to me.

"Ahh the new addition to your family I heard a lot of things about you Angel, come." He says letting out hand I push Harry to Emmett and walk slowly to him.

"And where have you heard these things from." I said my tone was hard and cold he smiles creepy at him and his ruby eyes brighten up.

"Your brother of course." He says happily all of us froze.

"My brother." I said my voice was broke a little that made him smile more wider.

"Yes he join us not to long ago along with his wife Emily." Aro says.

Wife he married the girl who ruin my life and he join them.

"May I." Aro says holding out his hand again I grab it he gasps and close his eyes.

he was reading everything every thought every memory was flashing threw his mind he lets go and I walk back to Harry.

"So now what we are going to do with you now." Aro says someone enter the front door.

"Master." The boy says with a familiar voice.

"Ah Jason, I'm glad you join us." Aro says I gasp.

"Jason." I said he turn to me and his warm butterscotch eyes turn to cold bright red and his kind smile replace with a scowl and a hard cold look.

"Yes." He says I flinched his voice wasn't the voice I knew from my brother it was cruel hard emotionless.

"What happen to you." Harry says his red eyes look at Harry and glared at him.

"None of your business." He says cruelty I glared at him I walk up to him and slap him hard in the face he didn't even flinch.

"It may not be his business but it's mine you married and change the slut who ruin my life you join the voluri you kill humans now what the hell Jason." I said with so much venom in my voice he still didn't flinch he didn't say anything he just turn around walk behind Aro Claus and Marcus and lean against the wall Aro cleared his throat.

"Well wasn't that a fantastic family reunion." Claus says with sarcastic rolling his eyes.

"Anyway we have decided to give you two options one option is to change him second option is to kill him we will be back in two days to see what you picked." Aro says and they left only Jason stood there leaning against the wall.

"Your such a asshole Jason for doing this to me why would to this ." I said.

"Because Angel, I hate Harry, he broke your heart by cheating on you with my true love how can you forgive so fast especially what he did to you." He says calmly Harry flinch.

"I forgave him because I love him and you are so selfish you know that only thinking about you and Emily it wasn't about me." I said.

"True it wasn't about you I guess." He said turning away from me and was about to leave.

"I no longer consider you as by twin bother no more your just a stranger who is Aro's little pet now just like the others." I said glaring at the back of his head that he flinched.

"I'm sorry." He whispers and disappear I let out my breath that I didn't know I was holding Alice hug me.

"I'm so sorry about your brother I thought he was different." She says

"Yeah I thought so to." I said with sadness.


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