chapter 39 Decision is made

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Chapter 39

"What are you going to do." Bella says.

"I don't know I mean I love him very much I might change him but do you think it's selfish of me taking him away from his fans his family his friends." I said looking at my hands.

It's been a day since the Voluri came tomorrow is my decision to change him or kill him I would never kill him.

"No I don't think so Edward, change me and I was human." She says I look at her.

"Yeah... But you were dying he didn't have a choice all of you were dying  he's not he is healthy nothing wrong with him to make me change him." I said anger built up in me I stand up and walk away from her.

"Where are you Angel, we have to discuss this we only have 24 hours to make a decision." Carlisle says.

"I'm going out... I need to think... to be alone." I mumble as I walk out and ran into the forest I kept running for away from forks I stop when I saw a beautiful place

I sat down and look down at the water and saw my reflection the sun hit my skin it glitter in the reflection all I saw was a pale seventeen girl who her skin look hard as stone sad looking dark golden eyes shiny long mahogany red brown hair a girl...

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I sat down and look down at the water and saw my reflection the sun hit my skin it glitter in the reflection all I saw was a pale seventeen girl who her skin look hard as stone sad looking dark golden eyes shiny long mahogany red brown hair a girl who is stuck at seventeen a girl who is dead didn't belong in this world I close my eyes and lay down enjoying the warmth from sun.

A image shot threw my brain Harry with pale white skin like chalk his wild chocolate brown curly hair tame into perfection curls his warm bright emerald jade green eyes replace to cold flaming ruby eyes that's thirst for blood his jaw more chiseled to perfection no blush into cheeks no longer beating heart.

I gasp when another image went threw my head then same Harry from the other image and me Harry was chasing me in immortal speed i was laughing when he caught me he kiss me and we hold hands as run back from somewhere we look so happy so care free.

I smile and snap my eyes open my decision was made I got up I look at the sky it was twilight wow time really pasts by I look at my phone and I see two miss calls from Carlisle four from Bella and six from Alice and nine from Harry I sign and ran back to forks and to the Cullen house I walk in Harry was already there.

"Oh my God where have you been I was so worried about I thought the Voluri got to you." Harry said hugging me I breath in his scent his warm delicious blood that smells like vanilla and banana and a little bit of musk just a little because I knew it will be the last time that I will smell it he lets go I took in his warm body the blush on his cheeks his warm worried green looking eyes I smile.

"I'm fine I was thinking and I made my decision." I said he gasp.

"You did what is it." He says happily I laugh.

"You will find out very soon my love." I said I grab his hand and took him to my room Alice gave me a look like she already knew what I decided the others didn't we go in my room.

"What have you decided Angel." He says a little scared stroke his cheek he blushes I loved it.

"Don't worry it won't hurt." I said he nods and lay down my bed I hover on top of him he look the other giving me a great view of his neck I lean down and kiss his neck.

"I love you Harry." I said.

"I love you to Angel." He says back.

I lean back down but instead of biting his neck I quickly grab his temples with my finger tip and muttering words underneath my breath I can feel the power going threw my dead veins he gasps.

"Angel what are yo- what are you doing." He stutter closing eyes and groans in pain I went threw his head every memory of me was flashing threw his head me how he found out I was a vampire every little memory until the memory of us first meeting as we were kids were gone vanished like they never exist I gasp and let go my white eyes turning back to gold.

I look at him he was sleeping I realized what I did and I sob.

"I'm so sorry my love I hope you would forgive me for what I've done." I said sobbing I ran out and to the living room where everybody was at they look at me with shock.

"Angel, what have you done." Edward says I look at him emotionless and broken.

"I have erased his memories so he doesn't remember me at all or all you he only remembers his life the fame the band his family he don't remember about Vampires or anything like that." I said with no emotion.

"Why would you do that." Renesmee said.

"So he can have normal life he could move on so he wouldn't be suck at the same age forever and being a walking dead person I did it so he live his life." I said no body said anything they were quiet still shock on what I did.

I went back upstairs and saw him still sleeping I pick him up and ran back to his house and gently pit him on his bed I look at the clock on his nightstand and it was 12:04 pm so the boys came back they were probably sleeping I walk into each boy room erase their memories when I was done I walk back to Harry and sat on his bed I stroke his hair his forehead his cheek his nose his lips and stop to his lips I lean down and planted a small kiss on them.

"I love you Harry." I said wanting to hear him say he love me back but I knew he wouldn't because he doesn't remember me.

(AN : Well there is your other chapter this is not the last chapter I hope you enjoyed it if you did comment to tell me what you think and vote please)

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