The Song Remains the Same

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February 12th, 2010

Greenville, Flordia

It was a few days later. They had stopped in a motel down in Florida, and were enjoying a few fleeting days of warm weather. Well, Alex was. Sam and Dean were still vigorously trying to a handle on the impending apocalypse.

Alex lay splayed out on the bed. "I'm bored," she insisted for the seventh time that hour.

"Go outside." Sam barely even glanced at her, too focused on his work.

"Maybe we should take a break, Sammy." Dean stood up, back arching slightly as he stretched. "We've been going at this for, what? Six hours now?"

Sam looked like he was going to argue, but decided against it. "Yeah, sure. Whatever." He stood up, shutting his laptop. "So, uh, what do you want to do?"

"Let's go get ice cream." Alex jumped to her feet, eyes wide with excitement.

Sam shook his head. "We should go swimming. There's a pool out back."

Alex nodded, perfectly okay with that idea. "Okay." She dug around in her bag. "I want to go swimming." She pulled out a black shirt and white basketball shorts. "I like swimming." She quickly ducked into the bathroom, barely bothering to close the door. She changed, kicked her other clothes into the corner, then reemerged.

Sam was already changed, now wearing only a pair of boxers. "Ready?"

"Yeah." Alex looked over at Dean. "You coming?"

"In a few minutes. I'll bring towels out."

"Thanks." Alex grabbed Sam's hand and dragged him towards the door. Sam followed. They got halfway to the pool before Alex tapped Sam's back. "The ground's hot," she whined playfully. "Piggyback?"

Sam hesitated, then held out his hands. Alex eagerly climbed onto his back, arms wrapping around his sturdy neck. "You ready?"

"Yeah -- woah!" Alex let out a small noise as Sam started walking, then broke into a run. She pushed herself even closer to the hunter, tightening her grip around his neck and waist. She buried her head in his neck. "Sam!"

Sam turned into the pool yard. However, he didn't slow down, but kept racing towards the pool. Alex screamed as he launched them into the water. Then she shut her mouth and closed her eyes as she went under. Sam let her go, and she pushed herself towards the surface, spluttering. She opened her eyes to see Sam floating on his back, watching her lazily.

"You're an idiot." Alex splashed him playfully.

Sam righted himself; he could stand completely flatfooted. "I was going to do a flip," he grinned. "Remember when I told you I was going to throw you in a lake?"

Alex swam past the Winchester until she could stand as well. "That was like a month ago," she insisted, brushing her wet hair out of her face.

"Yeah, well, I keep good on my promises."


Alex woke with a start. Beside her, the bed shifted as Dean sat up abruptly. Alex flicked on the light, sitting up as well. "Dean?" It was that night - well, the next morning, Alex realized as she glanced at the clock. "Dean?"

Dean stared at the far wall for several seconds before looking down at Alex. "What?"

"Nightmare?" Alex crossed her legs, reaching up to touch the man's shoulder. His bare skin was warm beneath her hand.

Dean threw back the covers. "Sam?"

"Right here." Sam looked over at his brother from where he was seated at the table. "You okay?"

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