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  T^T I'm sorry guys I haven't written anything in a while! I will do my best to make the rest of these chapters better! And to actually proofread them(⌒▽⌒)💖

I saw Master trying to refuse the drink the smelly guy gave him, but someone held his head still and he was being drowned by the weird drink!  "Master!" I said helplessly watching. The smell of the drink smelled very weird again. I'v never smelt it before. Then everyone stopped. They heard my voice! The bottle was still pouring on Master's face ∑(゚Д゚)!!Everyone was staring at me!!! They all looked very different and scary! I v never seen anything like this before. It made me question everything. I stood there frozen, and I felt a little cold to all of a sudden? I could feel my face turn red quickly. I tried not to make eye contact with anyone or else I'd get even more redder. I didn't want to see there face in disgust either. I looked down on the ground trying to calm myself! Then I heard a voice in the crowd...
"Whoa! who's she?!" Everyone started talking to each other quietly. I didn't know what they were saying, until I heard a conversation behind me.
"Who ever she is... she's beautiful!"

"Why not ask her out on a date. You said you've been feeling kinda lonely for over 100 years now!" I heard them both laugh. Were they laughing at me! Then I heard a girl that had beautiful long black hair and a white kimono.
"Why does she have Master Rikuo's robe?!" I could hear anger in her voice. I held on tighter to what Master has given me. I felt super nervous now! Then everyone looked at Master for the answer. He didn't stare back at them, but only me. He knew I was feeling shy and speechless at that moment. He looked at me. He ignored everyone around us and walked towards me slowly. Everyone moved out of the way and left space for him to get to me. Every step he took echoed and was the only thing that could be heard. He had everyone's attention. I could tell how much respect they all had for him just by the silence that was left. He stood in front of me in silence. I looked up and saw him looking at me! I wanted to look back down, but I looked stunning back at him. Did I do something wrong?! He's probably going to apologize to everyone for my outburst! I didn't mean to be rude. All of this attention and nervousness built up inside of me and almost made me come to tears, but I did my best not to. I had no idea what he was going to say, but that was what made me feel more worried. He tilted his head and smirked happily at me. His eyes looked calmly at my. As if what he was about to say was going to satisfy him.

"She's my wife."

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