The Secret Gift

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"You need my help?" I said happily! The image of me aiding Master with his wounds had occurred to me. He asked for my help and I couldn't turn it down.I wonder if I had said no, where would he be? No, I can't be thinking like that! I'm not that cruel.
"I need you to follow me." Master said
"Okay." I said, follow him where? On the way out he whispered to Kappa, but it didn't last long. He then lead the way and I followed behind him looking at all the rooms we passed by.
"Whoa!.... There's so many rooms" the place was huge!
"Hmph" He let out a little chuckle, because he knows how easily entertained I am. Out of all these rooms I wondered where he was taking me. I saw everyone trying to make the place look better, running around us. They really do listen to his orders. My eyes were wondering every inch of this magnificent palace. My house isn't even as big as a room here. How could I even thought he was comfortable at my little cabin. He has everything he needs here. All I could give him is aid. I accidentally bumped into Master. He had suddenly stopped. I looked up and saw him facing towards me. He caught me off guard. He gave me that warm calming smile again.
"I'm sorry... I wasn't paying attention"
"I know you weren't..." He covered me with his kimonos coat and gently wrapped his arm around me. We started to walk together in sync. I noticed he took smaller steps so he could walk with me.
"Master w-where are we going?" I asked with a shaky voice. That gave my shyness away (>人<;) I tried looking at his eyes, but as soon as he looked into mine I turned the other way.
"It's a surprise I want to keep for you." I looked into his eyes again and he looked back.
"It's something I've been holding dear too..." Master looked up at moon. He took a deep breath and resumed. "Hoping... that I would find someone who would cherish it the same or more then me... It symbolizes a meaning that only someone can give me."
"It must really mean a lot to you... I hope you find that someone." We stopped. We were standing in front of a open room, but it was different the the others. It was just a single bed and a few items in it. Master walked in and I could seen how relieved he was. The room seemed to me as... lonely. I know I was lonely before, but I could feel it in this room.
"Who's room is this?" I asked
"It's mine." My face flushed as soon as I heard that. I was in Masters room!!! Why did I think lonely!!
"So when ever you feel tired..."  He faced me and smirked. "You sleep here with me." I could feel my whole body heat up! I saw Master go down by the bed and lift the bed cover from the floor. He lifted a plank of wood, and pulled a little box out. It was embedded with gems that were the color of cherry blossoms.
"... What's in it?" I asked. He looked my way and said...
"It's for you silly."
"Really!!! A gift for me!" He walked towards the door we came from and he held his arm out for me. He nudged his elbow to let me know to grab his arm. I was hugging his arm and it I felt more secure in his arm. The warmth from his coat and hug is all I need. How could he be so calm while crazy Princess Majesty wants to marry him!? Whatever he has planned it must be good for him not to worry. We walked back to the main hall and the place looked beautiful! White transparent drapes where hanging from the ceiling, roses were everywhere, and it all felt like a dream! The aroma of candles filled the room and the lighting was much more relaxing and pleasant then before. The floor was covered in a white velvet pillow like cover. It looked like a wedding... Does that mean... Master is going to actually m-marry her...

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