Moon's Glare

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Kappa payed no attention to what he said. He had his arms behind his head and eyes closed. I looked back and the drinks were at the table. We reached the door and Kappa opened the door for me.
"Thank you Kappa." I smiled at him. He opened one of his eyes and nodded. I felt more comfortable around Kappa then the others, but I started to wonder what Master was doing.
"Wanna head back home?" Kappa said. I nodded.
"Okay" We both started heading back home.
"Wait what about them?" I said concerned.
"You don't wanna see them more drunk then they already are."
"What's...drunk?" I said nervously and shyly.
"..." He looked at me. He didn't have a eyebrow raised or anything.
"Where did you come from." He asked changing the subject.
"I came from the mountains! That's where I live! All by myself, until Master came."
"Are you one of us?"
"What do you mean by that?" I said feeling stupid again. He looked at me with one eye open and closed it back up.
"Hmm..." He looked up at the moon as we were walking.
"Are you human?"
"Yep! My mother always told me I was! One time I saw her come home covered in blood saying 'stay human Mizu' I tried comforting her but she would always disappear when she went to her room."
Kappas eyes opened wide and stopped. I stopped with him and looked at the moon. It reminded me of the day when Master and I meet. It was a special moment for me but now it feels like it's gone. I didnt understand the emotions I had for him. How could one person change your world and ones self. He gave me hope for this world when my mother vanished forever! I waited for her arrival when the sun was going down. I waited till midnight... the house was pure... pure of darkness. Pure of tears for years and loneliness. The only thing that kept the house bright was my happiness towards everything. I didn't want to look back at all the pain and tears. I pushed them away from me as far as I could... by being happy and cheerful. I loved being happy. You couldn't see anything terrible in this world. I didn't think I would handle it either. I wouldn't be able to handle my mother's death either! Who is this that lives inside of me!I'v never talked like this before! It feels like I'm fading away! I had a great pain inside of me! It ached! What's happening!! Why am I having this now! Am I now unraveling the world! I don't want Master to be gone like my mother! I don't want to cry anymore!! I don't want!!....
"Hey are you okay?" Kappa said concerned. I felt a tear run down my face from my wide insane eyes. The moon's glare made me feel... . What's happening to me!!!! Am I... Am... I... breaking down!? I wish Kappa's voice would of calmed me down but it didn't. I felt all the pain and tears held back for all those years finally eating me. I snapped back to reality when I heard a voice.
"Move out of my way peasants! My King is back home!!" It was Princess Majesty! She was riding in her chariot going towards the Main House. Oh no!!! What if Master does accept the marriage!! I was breathing rapidly trying to catch my breathe.
"Who's that?" Kappa said
"She's the Princess that Master has to marry. And she's on her way to see Master." I said quivering.

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