For Me?

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The room had a big beautiful fluffy white dress that was on a big doll with no head. The dress looked like it would belong to a beautiful Princess. It was white as the snow around my house. There was white shoes that looked rather different then any other shoes I have seen, but they were amazing!
" Do you like the dress? I thought you would like it. I was guessing what you like and a little what I like too!" Kejoro said while her hand on her chin and looking upon in a dreamy state.
"I love it ,but why would you need my opinion?" I said while looking at her. Was it for Princess Majestic? I guess I'm going to help her dress her. Master was smiling when he told me to go with Kejoro. He must be happy to be married to her. I looked down towards the ground thinking of the possibilities.
"Hey..." Kejoro said outing her hand on my shoulder. I looked up at her.
"Are you sad about getting married?" Kejoro said. My eye and mind opened.
"W-What!!?? I'm getting married!!?" I said in a instant.
"Of course your are!" She began laughing.
"S-So I-I'm getting m-married to Master!!!???" It began hard to breathe for me.
"Yes Mizu! Did you think he was going to marry Princess what's her face?"
"Actually yeah!" She looked at me smiling
"I guess he was keeping it a surprise! Oops. Well let's get started! Kejoro began picking what shoes I should wear. The shoes she picked out for me were very pointy.
"Put these on!" She said
"Okay I'll try."
"Wait... have you ever put on heels on before?"
"These are called heels? Hhmmm nope. They look dangerous."
"Uugghh well we don't have that much time. You'll be fine!" The shoes I was going to wear were white. It fit in nice and I found them cute but a little dangerous. Kejoro then brought me to a huge mirror and told me to sit down. She told me to wait a second and left to go get something. I looked at the mirror and there was little bottles of paint and powder. I opened a bottle of paint and it was color the red. There was a lot of colors. Kejoro walked in with fluffy tiny brushes.
"I'm back! I had to go get brushes! ....Do you like that color? You can try it!"
"You can try on paint?!" I said
"It's not paint! It's makeup! It helps me look even more flawless" she grabbed a bottle of paint and held it like it was a trophy. It was funny to watch!
"Hmm you don't need that much like me! I will just put primer, fundation, concealer, mascara, and a natural color lipstick!" She said. It sounded like a list to me. She finished my face and covered my eyes. She put me in a room that had a curtain as a door and gave me the dress.
"Here you go and if you need help I'm here!"
It was just me and the dress. I've never have seen one in person or worn one! But there is a first time for everything.
"Mizu are you alright it's been 8 minutes. I'm coming in! ....." she stared at me in disappointment.
"MIZU!!! YOU DONT PUT A DRESS OVER YOUR CLOTHES!!" She's was super super loud!! Probably everyone heard her! It's if I broke a fashion code to her. She told me what to do step by step. I went back in and stared at the dress. The very top of the dress looked like the top of a heart and it had a straight line going straight down of a flower pattern lace. It reminded me of something for but but I remembered I have to dress. I came out the room and Kejoro stood up and covered her mouth with her hand.
"It's so beautiful on you!!!"

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