Demon Love

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Day 1

Cold, freezing and bitter winds, but warm in my little old cabin. My parents died when I was nine years old. I managed to survive by myself. And I remember and cherish the memories that I had with them. I will never forget them. I'm 13 years old now. I'm starting to realize that I have no one to share my feelings with. All alone with no one to talk to. Wondering if someone out there is facing the same thing as I'm facing. I went to bed that night, but still having the sensation of loneliness and living in desperation. And how useless I am to this beautiful world. I woke up in the middle of the night hearing a slow knock on the door. I thought to myself "Who is at the door?" I got up to answer the door, but fear conquered my body. I slowly opened the door and saw a guy covered in blood. His komono all torn up and his sword as well. I could tell he was physically and mentally hurt.

"Help me." He said. I was so scared. He had red eyes, but I couldn't reject him .

"Please come in!" I helped him come into my little cabin. I set him on my bed for him to rest on. I couldn't believe that he was out there in the freezing cold and managed to survive, but what really puzzled me was what happened to him?

"What happened?"

"..." The harsh winds from outside took over the rooms silence. It was probably personal that he didn't want to speak to me. When he didn't reply it made me feel useless to him. And to the whole world. I still wanted to help him.

"Is it okay if I touch you, so I can patch you up?"

"I don't care!" I got scared as soon as his voice rose up. I jumped in shock if he was about to do something to me. He looked at me in anger and frustration.His blood red eyes looking at my dark brown eyes. I looked away in fear and embarrassment. No matter if I get yelled at I still wanted to help anyone I encounter and become their friend. I promised my mother that I would keep that promise no matter what. I patched him up and noticed deep wound cuts on his arm everywhere I could see. The biggest wound was on his face on his left cheek. I got a hold of his face and held it gently. He groaned in pain and twitched away. The blood dripping slowly off his chin. The moons divine rays illuminating both of our faces. I felt something as I was healing him up. Something I have never felt before, but it made me feel happy.

"Done," I said in a cheery voice. It made me happy to help someone out there who needed my help. It made me feel that I wasn't useless in this beautiful world.

" You can sleep on my bed if you wish to stay," He stood up and started looking around my little home looking for something.

"Where are you going to sleep?" He said

"I'll sleep on the ground it's no problem really!" He came to me as I was still in my kneeling position.

"No! it's your bed you can sleep their, I'll sleep on the ground!"

"It's really no problem and I want you to recover better on a warm bed instead on the ground. Please I know it's nothing, but please take it I want you to feel better." He fell silent. It was kind that he didn't want me to sleep on the ground, or he didn't want to sleep on the bed, It was old, but I still loved that bed. We both got ready for bed. I couldn't sleep with all the questions I had in my head that I wanted to know. I didn't know if he was awake or not, so I asked him a question.

"Can I know your name...please?" I said.

"If I know yours as well?" As soon he replied, joy filled me.

"I'll go first. Rikuo, Rikuo Nura yours?"

"Mizu, Mizu ...?"

"What's wrong?" He said.

"I don't know my last name...I'm sorry, I'm sorry I can't tell you."

"It's not your fault. I wanted to say I'm sorry as well."

"For what?"

"For yelling at you remember?"

"...? Oh! I remember."

"You looked scared when I yelled at you."

"I'm sorry. I have a weak heart. I can't handle anything surprising, well good night Nura."

"Good night... Mizu." We soon fell quiet. The moons rays hitting my eyes and as my eyes close shut the moon disappeared.

Day 2

I woke up at around 5:30 A.M. And looked for what to make for breakfast, but had nothing to make for this morning. I looked at Rikuo to see if he was awake, but he was still sleeping. I'm glad that he was, because I had a chance to go out and find food for us. I took my shirt off and started putting on my warmer clothes on. And grabbed my basket that my mother gave me before that accident. My mother told me when I was little girl that this basket is only for food to carry around. As I went outside, the snow was calm. No birds chirping or any animals making noises, but I was really surprised that the snow was gently falling and it wasn't crazy. I was making my way to where the berries were, but it felt like someone or something was watching me. I made my way up to the hill and started picking big delicious berries. I was excited, I found such a great find, but I started feeling scared, because I still felt that I was being watched. I started hearing rustling noises and saw a bear! The bear stood in place and stared me down, until I would give up and let him eat me, but no. I ran as fast as

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