First Kiss

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... you can't really explain love you just feel it."

"Like you feel happy when you see that person?"

"Yeah, something like that." I guess I know a little, but I still didn't get it. I'm so confused.

"Well I'm going to sleep." I said.

"I'll go to sleep with you ok?"


Day 3

I woke up at 12:36 at night. I felt so cozy in my bed I didn't want to move on my sideward position, but I heard a loud snore next to me. I turned around and saw Rikuo right next to me in my bed! My face turned all red. I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to be mean either, so I woke him up.

"I'm sorry, Rikuo!" I said in a whisper voice.

"Mmmhh what?"

"Sorry, but why are you sleeping with me?" I tried to say in the nicest way I could.

"You said I could yesterday."

"I thought you meant you were going to sleep, but not with me!"

"Oh sorry sweetie."

"What! I'm not your wife."

"You should be." He said. Rikuo was half a sleep so he probably didn't think twice on what he said, but still my face was still blushed. I felt his hands wrapping himself around me.

"Ahh? can you stop hugging me please."



"Ok." I got really uncomfortable so I decide that Rikuo can take the bed, but I felt a hand grab my wrist.

"No! please sleep with me tonight!"

He still was half asleep.


"I love you. You make me feel really, really happy." He wrapped his arm around me again and brought me closer to his chest.

"Ahh! Rikuo stop!" I looked down and saw that his shirt was gone.

"Rikuo where's your shirt?"

"I took it off."


"So I could feel your body better and so you could feel my to." Rikuo was staring at me below his chin smiling and I looked back, but I looked away because, I started blushing again. Rikuo gently lifted my chin towards his and brought me closer to his face.

"Rikuo sorry, but no."

"Why not?" He held me very close to his body. I didn't feel worthy to be in his presence. I didn't feel worthy for anything. I felt useless to everything, like if I was just a waste of flesh.

"I... feel that I don't deserve to be your friend."

"Actually I wanna be more than friends, but I feel that I don't deserve you either, but I'm still trying."

"But your a master of a clan, engaged with a princess, and your really handsome!" I just told him my feelings. He know he had those things, but didn't care.

"First, we are not engaged! Second, I think your really beautiful." We both fell silent.

"Sorry," I said.

"For what?"


"You always apologize. I think that's cute." I didnt realize till now. It just comes out naturally.

"Umm how old are you Rikuo?"

"14, how about you?"

"13." I said.

"Your birthday?"

"June 1st."

"Even your birthday is cute." I didn't know what was cute about my birthday, but he found it to be cute. Love is sure a strange thing. I mean look what he's doing. I guess love makes you do strange things.

"Rikuo why are you doing these things."

"What things?"

"Like, sleeping with me."

"Because I want you to know that I love you."

"I know you love me, but I still don't know the other half of that word."

"Want me to show you what love is."

"No, I will find out later in life."

"But I want to be the first one to show you love."

"Is love physically and a mentally emotion!?" I screamed out if I had the answer.

"Yes in a way."

"So is hugging one?"


"I heard about kissing. Rikuo what's a kissing?"

"You umm ahh you?" Rikuo was scratching his head and he stopped looking at me for some reason. It looked like if he was to shy to say it.

"It's when two people love each that they want to kiss. They touch their lips together gently or hardcore! There is so many ways to kiss Mizu." He said.

"They touch their lips together? That sounds nasty." That seemed really strange and weird.

"Do you wanna try it?"

"But I thought it's for two people who love each other?"

"Do you love me?" He said.

"I don't kn...?" Rikuo had my cheek against his cheek. I liked it, but I saw his cut on his left cheek again.

"Rikuo did you know you have a big cut on your face?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"I thought you didn't know."

"Mizu I love you." Rikuo held my face towards his. It made my fragile heart pumping again. He slowly brought his face closer to my.

"Is this what love feels like?" I said.

"You feel it now... Mizu." His eyes looking calmly at my. His eyes really came out at night. They were so beautiful and bright against the moons light. This is what made me hold back. I looked at him.

"Rikuo... I-I think I do love you."

"That's all I wanted to hear." Rikuo hugged my waist even tighter then before. He brought me closer to his chest and held my face closer to his

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