Who Am I? (Part 1)

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"BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!" Screamed my obnoxiously loud alarm clock.

I rolled out of bed and plopped onto the floor. I sighed. Today was Monday. And also the first day of school. Great. I go to a private school, full of snotts, brats, and jerks. My parents are extremely rich. They are both lawyers, the biggest and best in all of New York. Dad is always on business trips, and mom always has some meeting to attend. My name is Kayleigh Cruz. Long, curly blonde hair, ice blue eyes, tall, skinny, and gorgeous. I have a scar on my stomach, and a short one on my nose. I don't know how they got there, though. Every time I ask, mom and dad just say "you'll find out soon enough".

I walk to the bathroom and take a nice, hot shower. I wrap myself in a thick robe and my hair in a towel. My stomach growls. Time for breakfast!

I skipped down the stairs to find my mom already in the kitchen.

"Morning, Sandra!" I say, hugging my mom.

"Good morning, dear," she replies, packing up her brief case.

"What's for breakfast?"

"Cereal? I don't have time to make you anything, I'm late!" she yells running to the front door.

I sigh. She never has much time for me. Neither does dad. That's what I get for having rich parents. I sit at the table, and grab an apple out of the fruit bowl. I may be a rich kid, but I don't milk it like everyone else. All the other kids from my school are probably having their personal chef cook them eggs. Psh, brats. I perfectly capitable of taking care of myself!

I go back upstairs and finish getting ready. I throw on skinny jeans with white Suprahs and a flowy purple top. I let my natural curls fall and apply a little make up. I glance at the clock. Crap! It's eight! I better go!

I grab my bag and jump in my black Escalade. I sigh as I pull into the school parking lot. Ten minutes late on the first day. Not the best impression to make.

Running to biology, I see a boy walking down the hall. Jason McCann, bad boy of the school. Everyone is afraid of him, says he plays with bombs. I personally find him hot. Soft brown hair and beautiful honey brown eyes. He glances up at me and I quickly look away.

I sigh and walk into class.

"Ahh, Miss Cruz", says Mr. Bartey. "Nice of you to join us. Were you lost?"

"Yes", I say, knowing I won't get in trouble. "I forgot the building over the summer."

"Please have a seat", he says, gesturing to a seat in the back.

I walk to my seat, as everyone stares at me. Gosh, you'de thank I just committed a crime! As soon as I sit down, I feel my phone vibrate. I look and see I have a text from an unknown number. Huh. I open it. It says:

"Mommy and Daddy aren't who they seem to be. You learn why you have those scars soon enough."

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