Kidnapped (Part 6)

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School dragged on forever! Finally, it was last period. Mr. Mauser was teaching a lesson on "Romeo and Juliet". Gag me with a spoon! Love stories aren't real. Nope. But I guess I believe in love now, a little, since I met Jason. Speaking of which, why couldn't the bell ring so I could be with him!? Ugh!

"...and so, Romeo and Juliet were forbidden by their parents, to see each other. Two soul mates, and they were kept apart. Romeo was a reckless man, and Juliet was so fragile. Her parents couldn't risk her being broken. But, no one could keep them apart for long. They snuck out to see each other, never being caught-" Mr. Mauser never got to finish, because the bell cut him off!


"We will continue Monday, class! Read chapter five, please!" He shouted. Yeah right. No one was going to read this stupid book. I sure wasn't going to.

I ran as fast as I could to my locker, and threw my books inside. No homework tonight! Thank God! I dashed out the front door and to the bike racks. Jason wasn't here yet. I smoothed my hair and applied some lipgloss. When I was finished, I saw Jason coming.

"Hey," he said, not looking happy.

"Hi." this wasn't going to be a fun walk. Wait, what about my car? "Instead of walking, how about I drive you home? I forgot I drove today."

He nodded. Alright. I began walking to my car, and he followed. When we reached the car, he hesitated, as if he wasn't sure what to do. Then he looked around and fidgeted, like he was nervous. All of a sudden, I felt strong arms grab my weaker ones. I whirled around, and saw Alex, holding me in place.

"Kayleigh, Kayleigh, Kayleigh," he sighed, chuckling. "I told you to stay away from him. But you didn't listen. Just like I thought." He picked me up and carried me to a car. I struggled and screamed, but it was no use. His large had covered my mouth, and another big guy held me down. They threw me in the back of

a dirty maroon van, as they all climbed in front.

"What are you doing!?" I screamed. "Let me out!"

"Shut up!" Alex screamed, slamming on the gas. "Your gonna be a good girl, and cooperate. If you know

what's good for you." I gulped. I'm gonna die. Their going to kill me.

We pulled into a beat up part of town, and drove through the woods. Finally, we reached a small house, so

far away from town that no one would hear anything. Alex climbed out of the van, and Jason and The two men grabbed me. They carried me inside and took me to a dark room. They tied me up to a pole, and left me there. What. The. Crap.

"Now," said one of the two men. He was ugly, and tall. He had blonde hair and a huge scar running down the side of his face. His small green eyes were filled with such hatred. "Your gonna stay here, until we

come down, and tell you the plan. You try to escape, and you die. Got it?" I nod. The other man began to speak.

"We hear a word outta you, Princess. And you get hurt." He was older. Maybe late 40's. Dark brown hair,

and matching eyes. He had a fat face. And he needed a shave. Jason stood behind them, not saying anything. Punk.

"George! Jason! Matt! Get up here!" Alex yelled. Must be discussing the plan. They looked at me one last time before disappearing up the stairs. I took this advantage of their absence, to try and free myself. These ropes were loose. Were they stupid? Obviously didn't know how to tie knots... I looked around the room. It was small and disgusting. It had a hard, concrete floor and pale white walls. An old couch was against one wall, and a desk against another. Finally! I got free. Quietly, I tip toed over to the desk. I silently opened a

drawer and felt around. There was a letter! I pulled it out. It read:

"Jason, I'm sorry. Wasn't thinking clearly when all this happened. I love you and you brother and sister with

all my heart. I mad a mistake, and now I will pay for it. The police take me in for death tomorrow. Tell you mom I love her. Don't make my mistakes, Jason. Be food and stay in school. Live a good life and make me proud. I love you. -Dad"

Jason's dad is dead? What did he do? Why would the police kill him? I was so lost in the letter, that I didn't

hear the door open..

"Stupid bit**!" he yelled. Jason. I whipped around. He grabbed my wrist. "Why did you read that!?" he

screamed in my face.

I stared in shock. Was I going to die now? I gulped. "I-I..I didn't read it." I lied.

He grabbed the letter from me, and threw it back in the drawer. He was flaming mad. He turned to face me. And pulled out a knife.

"What did we say to you? Stay there and don't escape! And what do you do!?" he growled. I was shaking I was so scared. But I wouldn't let him see. He walked slowly toward me. Without thinking, o kicked the knife from his hands. He was shocked. Took advantage of this and dove for the knife. Grabbing it, I stood up and ran at him. He put his hands up and backed against the wall.

"That's what I though," I muttered. Being stupid, I let my guard down. He grabbed the knife and put it in his pocket. Then shoved me against the wall. I yelped. My spine cracked as it hit the wall. Ouch!

"Jason?" the blonde haired man called. He walked into the room. "What the hell?" He ran toward up, and wrapped his hands around my neck, choking me. "Stupid, kid!" he screamed.

"Woah, man!" Jason yelled, pulling his hands off my neck. "I let her out!"

"Why would you do that!?" the man screamed.

"George, chill. I want to talk to her. I'm not gonna let her leave." Jason said, annoyed.

George didn't answer. Just stared. Finally, he left the room, muttering what sounded like 'stupid kid'. Huh. Jason stared at me.

"Thank you," I whispered. "Even though your an a**hole and kidnapped me." He smirked. And walked toward me. Pushing me up against the wall.

"Why do you have to be such a little bit**?" he said blandly. Then, his lips crushed mine. It was like heaven and hell mixed together. The boy I liked, and my kidnapper. Making out with me. He picked me up by my thighs, and wrapped my legs around him. He carried me over to the couch, and we sat down, not breaking the kiss. He began to take my shirt off. That was, until Matt interrupted us.

"Er, Jason? I don't mean to interrupt you guys, butta, Alex needs to talk to us." Matt said, awkwardly.

Jason and I both jumped, blushing hard.

"Right," Jason said, embarrassed. He walked over to Matt, grabbed his arm, and dragged him upstairs. I heard them whispering.

"Dude, what's that about?" Matt asked.

"Just, don't say anything!"Jason whispered, harshly.

I sighed and payed down on the couch. I was really tired. Being kidnapped takes it all out of you. I guess I could just rest my eyes. I don't think they wil lkill me for doing that...

-Haha! They got walked in on! :p So! What do you think?! Will she be found? Will Jason an her do 'stuff'? Comment!

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