Reflection (Chapter 28)

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I AM SO FREAKING SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING! D:  I have had the worst case of laziness and also a lot of last minute summer assignments for school -_- Anyways, there will not be many chapters left after this! I will try my hardest to make at least 5 more, but I don't know if it will even be that many...and do you guys want an epilouge? So, the way I have the story's ending planned out will probablyrequire one, unless I change my mind about the ending...but that isn't likely! Anyways, next chapter will be up soon because I feel bad for never updating so I will make up for it :) Plan on Friday! Also, I am starting a One Direction fanfic for all of those Directioners out there :) But! It is a boyxboy fanfic because I ship Larry Stylinson! And there might be a Ziall or Niam one in the near future... :) IF YOU DONT LIKE GAY ACTION THEN DONT READ IT! HATE WILL NOT BE TOLERATED! Thank guys :) Luff chu!! xx

PLAY THE SONG! It is "Broken" by Lighthouse :)

Pic is of KAYLEIGH! :D Finally!


"Kayleigh! Wake up! We have to go!" Screams Jason as he shakes my shoulder. I groan and open my eyes. I blink a few times before I hear a grunt and feel myself being lifted off of the plush bed and sat on my feet. I begin to protest as Jason roughly shoves me forward and out the door.

"What the he-" I start, but I am cut off by Jared grabbing my hand and dragging me through the hotel halls and towards the stairs.

"GO!" Jared yells urgently, pushing Jason and I into the stairwell before slamming the door and locking it.

"Look! I don't know what the heck is going on, but I sure as heck don't need you to he-" I am cut short once again by Jason's angry outburst.


I gape at him, my mouth hanging ajar and my eyes wide. I quickly compose myself as Jason grabs my arm and leads me down the stairs and to the exit. I try and assess my thoughts as Jason opens the door of a red Cadillac Escalade and pushes me inside, buckling my seat belt before slamming my door and jumping in his on the opposite side of the car.

Alex is here. Jason said I needed his help being "saved" from him. Jared is still inside where I'm guessing it's unsafe. Jason is driving towards the freeway that heads to Florida. I have no clue what is going on.

"Jason," I say calmly. "What's going on?"

Jason sighs as if mentally preparing himself before answering. He reaches over and takes my left hand which is resting on my lap, giving it a light squeeze.

"Alex found us," He begins, never taking his eyes off of the road. "He knew that you would come here since it held memories for you. He knew that I would be here looking for you. He knew Jared was with me, and he's pissed at him for saving me. But most importantly, Kayleigh, he knew this fight was going to happen since the first day I met you."

"What kind of fight?" I say, trying not to pass out. I have to be strong. My life depends on my strength.

"Alex isn't letting me leave the gang, and he sure as hell won't let you live after everything you've witnessed. He won't stop until you're dead." Jason growls.

"So what do we do?"

"What I do best. Fight."


I sit back in my seat and watch the scenery outside. Various cars drive by, along with motorcycles. We pass a cinema, and I see a happy group of friends imerge from the lobby, laughing. A few in the group must be couples, because they hold each other's hands and cuddle. I can't help but wish that was me.

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