Sneak Out (Part 8)

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I saw my phone light up. A text from Jason. Gosh, can't this kid just leave me alone now?

"Can we meet somewhere? Kayleigh, I have to explain everything. Why all this happened."

Yeah right. He probably just wanted to make out with me again then rob me! Gosh, is he a gold digger? Nope, just a jerk. Whatever. I shut my phone without replying, then turned on my t.v. "Dear John" was on Fox. That was one of my favorites! I began watching.

About halfway through, I started to cry. I hated the part where John's dad dies. Everything is always against John. His girlfriend cheats on him, his dad dies, what next? I yawned and looked at the clock. Eleven-thirty. Mom and Dad were asleep.

I guess I could get some food now. I slipped on some pajamas, and threw my clothes into the hamper. I went into the bathroom and washed my face.

I heard my phone ring. I ran back to the bedroom to check it. New message from....Jason. Shocker.

"Come outside."

I frowned. The I heard a soft knock on the window, and just about peed myself! Jason was at my window. Knocking on it. What the heck?

I ran over to the window and opened it.

"What are you doing here?" I hissed.

"I need to talk to you." he answered. I sighed.

"Well, we can't do it in here, my parents are home! Back up," I said, climbing onto the roof. We both climbed down the tree. When we hit the ground, Jason grabbed my hand and towed me to a maroon van just around the corner. The same van Alex had left in when he came to see me. The same one I was kidnapped in.

Jason opened the backseat door for me. I just stood there.

"Please get in," he said.

"No, your probably gonna kidnap me again!"

"Kayleigh, I need to talk to you. I promise, I'm not taking you anywhere. Just, please, get in."

I sighed but climbed in anyway. Jason got in after me and sat down. We sat there awkwardly for a few moments. Jason cleared his throat.

"So," he started. "Nice pajamas." He smiled and laughed. I blushed and looked down. I was in a white tank top and spongebob pajama shorts.

"Jason, why do we need to talk?" I asked, getting to the point.

"Because, what I did at my house, and why I I told you I did it, they don't match up."

"Huh?" My brows knitted together in confusion.

"When we kissed, it was because I liked you," He started. "I just didn't want you to know. I thought it might...not work..."

"So, you do like me?" I asked.

"Of course." He said smiling. "Your the only girl who has ever seen me as more than a trouble maker." I smiled.

"With that being said," Jason said. "I wanted to know if you wanted to be my girlfriend?"

How many times had I wished he would ask me that? About a million. I had never liked anyone but Jason. He was different than the others. So much different. "Of course," I said, beaming.

Jason smiled and moved closer to me, grabbing my hand. He leaned closer to my face. His lips were inches from mine. "I'll never hurt you, Kayleigh Cruz. I promise." BAM! His lips crushed mine.

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