Who Would Believe Me? Part 15

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I didn't know what to say. That a crazy mass murderer is stalking me and I need to find out who I really am? That will do nothing but have me thrown in a mental hospital!

"I-I..." I started, unable to finish. Luckily I didn't have to.

"Excuse me," a nurse said, poking her head in through the doorway. "But Miss Cruz needs all the rest she can get. We have to give her blood tonight."

Everyone muttered their goodbyes and left. Everyone but my grandmother. She slumped behind all the rest and paused next to my bed.

"When you get out if the hospital," she whispered so low that I could barely hear. "Go to this address. There will be someone there to help you. Call me, and I might be there to."

I looked at the small piece of paper she had stuck in my hand. On it, was a very small, scribbled address.

"216 Oakfield Lane," I whispered. "But Grandma, what is this about?"

"Shhh," she whispered, and quickly walked out of the room. She turned to face me. "Be strong, Kayleigh."

I stared at the spot she had just vanished from. Why was life so complicated? That was my last thought before I slipped into a dreamless sleep. Fist peaceful sleep I've had in months.

*2 weeks later*

It's been two weeks since I've been stabbed. I've gotten much stronger and am back to my full self. I had four blood donors give me 8 pints of blood. The doctor said I could leave this afternoon.

"Well, Miss Cruz," the nurse said, taking my blood pressure. "Looks like everything is normal. Just make sure to take it easy and not do a lot of exercise until we take out your stitches."

I nodded my head. "Thanks Kerri."

She smiled. "No problem, honey. Feel better!"

I thanked Kerri and left the hospital. My friends had wanted to come and take me home, but I wasn't going home. Nope. I was going to discover this mysterious stranger.

"213, 214....216!" I thought as I walked down Oakfield Lane. I had called Grandma, and she said she would be here.

I didn't know what to expect when I knocked on the door. But I know I didnt expect to see a man who looked an awful lot like me.

"Kayleigh?" he breathed. I nodded. He stepped aside and I entered.

The house wasn't huge. No, but it was big. Two stories. A large kitchen and spacious living room. I liked it,

"Do you have any idea who I am?" the man asked. I shook my head.

"Well Kayleigh, I'm-" but he was cut off as my grandmother came into the front hall, silencing him.

"Don't say anything like that to her!" my grandma yelled, playfully hitting him.

"I was just going to tell her my name!" he said, innocently, looking at me. "My name is Jared, Jared Cyris."

"Kayleigh," my grandmother addressed me. "We need to talk."

"Yes," Jared said. "We do."

I nodded and waited for them to continue. They both looked uncomfortable, and glanced between themselves and I.

"Your real parents aren't the ones who were killed," Jared said slowly.

"I know," I replied.

"YOU KNOW!?" Jared and Grandma yelled together. I nodded.

"How?" Grandma asked. I took a deep breath and told her all about Alex. She wore a blank expression.

"You better go," Jared said to me. "Your Grandmother wants you to go to school today."

"WHAT!?" I screamed angrily. "You can't tell me all of this and leave me dangling with suspense!"

Jared sighed and pushed me toward the door.

"Hey!" I yelled.

"Sorry," Jared said. "We are currently closed. Come back later!"

With that, he pushed me out the door. I stared as he slammed it in my face. Son of a biatch.

I sighed and began walking to school. My backpack was already stowed away in my locker. I thought about the talent show. I was in 2 days! Good thing I finished the song when I was in the hospital. I was planning on singing an upbeat song like every other year, but this while thing changed my mind. Every year I win third place, always shown up by someone else. I don't know what I think this year will be any different, but I have a feeling...

When I reached the school, everyone ran up to me, asking how I was and what happened. I assured them I was fine but avoided the other question. I pushed past the crowd and hurried to my locker. I grabbed my backpack and walked alone to biology. Jason sat next to Anna, talking.

When I entered, they both looked up. I didn't meet their gazes, but sat down and stared straight ahead. Jason didn't bother talking to me, yet.

At lunch, my table was swarmed with people wanting to get answers. Chaz, Ryan, and Christian had to practically fight them off. I sighed and laid my head on the table. Ashley pulled me into a hug.

I looked over her shoulder at Jason's table, and his eyes bored into mine. He stood up and began to walk out of the cafeteria, still looking at me. My legs decided to follow him.

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