Just A Friend (Chapter 21)

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This is part 21 as you know :) And it is alittle boring, I'm sorry! I'm going to bed but needed to write this!!! The next chapter is where all the drama blows up and into everyone's faces, so stay tuned :) I also thing I will start the sequel after either part 22 or 23. Idk yet. Next part won't be up till the weekend because I have to write a research paper now. :p I know this part is short compared to others but, I'm tired! Anyway, enjoy loves! Comment, vote, like, fan, and SUGGEST!!! :) Okay, goodnight! <3


"AHHHHHHH!" Mason and I screamed in unison as the roller coaster dropped over the first hill. This amusement park has the most amazing rides! Mason and I had been here for over four hours! His friends got bored and left hours ago.

I chuckled and fixed Mason's hair as we stepped off the coaster. We had decided to head home after this ride, so we walked, friendly hand-in-hand, to my hotel.

"Maybe you should fix your own hair, and stop worrying about mine!" Mason joked. I laughed.

"Shut up!" I said, jokingly punching his arm. "I'm flawless." I winked. Mason laughed.

"I had fun today," Mason said, now serious. "Let's do it again sometime."

I nodded, smiling.

The walk home with Mason was really natural. Comfortable. But nothing like Jason. Jason was the one for me. There was nothing I wanted more than him.

When we finally reached my hotel, Mason decided to make a move on me. Bad idea.

"Have a good night, Kayleigh. Oh, and text me, alright?"

I nodded. "Thanks, Mason. I had fun!"

"Me too," Mason whispered, leaning forward. His lips were only inches from mine. His warm breath fell on my face, and I wasn't liking this. When he leaned in.... I was done.

"Bye, Mason!" I yelled, ducking out from under his grasp. I felt bad, but i didn't want him like that.

I blew out my breath in a huff as I ran to the elevator. Inside, I met Jared. And I really didn't want to talk.

"I saw that," He whispered next to me. I kicked his shin causing him to yelp in pain. I'll apologize some other time.

I stalked off to my room and jammed the key into the door, trying to get inside.

I slammed the door shut behind me and slid down, burying my face in my hands.

"Lord, help my life," I muttered.

"Hi to you to."

I jumped up so quick that I banged my head on the door handle.

"God Jason!" I yelled. "You scared the crap out of me!"

Jason chuckled and walked to where I stood. He pulled me into a hug and kissed the spot on my head where I had hit it.

"Why are you here so early?" I asked.

"What do you mean?"

I paused. "Well, usually your not back till late.."

"Early business night," Jason smiled. I smiled back.

"So," Jason started. "What do you wanna do?"

"Let's stay in tonight." I said. "Watch a movie, you know?"

"I can think of some fun things to do here."'Jason smirked, kissing my lips.

"Keep dreaming." I said, rolling my eyes. "I've had enough of that for now."

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