Just A Dream (Part 12)

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"Jason," I whispered. "Why would you hurt me? Why did you sneak into my parents room?"

"Kayleigh," Jason whispered back. "I did it to protect you and me. You can't trust your parents. Or your friends. Or anyone for that matter."

"No," I said. "Your lying. They are nothing but kind to me."

"They're criminals, Kayleigh. Don't lie to yourself." He advanced on me. Then turned and walked away.

"No, Jason! Wait!" I screamed, chasing him. "Don't leave me!" I grabbed onto his arm and dug my feet into the ground. "I won't let you!"

"Let go, Kayleigh."


"If you want me to come back," he growled. "Then let me go." He shook me off and left. I layed in a crumpled heap on the floor, sobbing my eyes out.

I woke up screaming. When I finally realized it was just a dream, I regained control. I glanced at the clock. Half past six in the morning. School today. I looked outside. Jason was gone.

I dashed up the stairs to the bathroom and took a shower. Throwing on a pair of jeans and a Holister tee, I ran downstairs and out the door. I had to pretend everything was normal. I had to act like I was sane. I sped to school and arrived just in time. Jason was sitting by the wall, as usual. I tried to sneak past him. I tried to be unnoticeable. I tried to avoid his gaze. Like I said, I tried.

"Kayleigh!" he yelled, standing up and chasing me. I ignored him. "I will follow you all day!"

"Leave me alone," I said, blandly. "Don't follow me, don't talk to me, don't even look at me."

"But, you don't understand! Just give me a chance to explain!"

I shook my head and walked to science. Anna was there. Great.

"Hey!" she said, cheerfully. "I haven't seen you in forever! Where have you been?"

"Ask your brother," I grumbled. She looked hurt. I shook it off and tried to focus. Again, I tried. School dragged on, and on, and on. When it was time to go home. Guess who followed me? That's right. Jason!

"Just talk to me!" he yelled, running up to my locker. I glared at him.

"Go. The hell. Away. Now." I spit through my teeth. He shook his head.

"I wouldn't have shot you, you know that, right?" he asked. I laughed.

"I would never have guessed by the way you told me you would."

"I needed you to let me see those files. It's crucial to both of our safety."

"No it's crucial to yours and your gangs." I said, walking away. "I have to reherse, so bye!" I stalked off to the choir room to practice for the talent show. Every year I enter the talent show singing a song and playing the piano. This year, I was going to sing 'A Year Without Rain' by Selena Gomez. But now, I have used this whole Jason situation to write a song. I hope it's good enough to win first place. I've won third for the past two years!

"Hey, Kayleigh," said Mr. Kenworthy, the choir teacher. "Rehersals have been cancelled for today, because we are setting up the stage for the talent show." I sighed. I was looking forward to finishing up the song I was writing. Just have to do it at home, I guess. I nodded and waved goodbye before walking to my car. There was a note on the hood.

"Figure out the secret yet? I'll give you a hint. 'Mommy and Daddy' "stole" you. From who? Find the next clue. Welcome to the game, Miss Cruz."

The game? Oh shit.

-Haven't posted this for a while!!! You liking it?! The new story is a dud, but it is sad so I might finish it or I might stick to this one!!! If you have any ideas for this one, feel free to message me and share!!

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