I'm Home (Chapter 27) (Part 1 of 2)

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(I know it says part 1 of 2, i will explain it in part 2's author note) This is the chapter you guys earned by voting and commenting :) Now, if I don't post this before June 2, it means there weren't enough votes and comments :( Boo! I'm telling you this because I don't know if you guys will have voted/commented a lot, and I'm to lazy to check and change this before I post it :) Guys. please please please comment more and vote. And please recommend this story to your friends and fans! I really want to get more reads on it and more fans before I start a new story! Sorry if this chapter sucks but Teen Wolf is on my television screen right now and Tyler Posey is *swoon*! <3 Okay welllll enjoy part 27 and I'm now leaving author's notes at the bottom so this will be the last one at the top :) Oh and I got some messages asking about my twitter account and so I will post it on my profile :) Kk, luvies, peace!

----> Pic of Jared!


*Kayleigh's Point of View*

My heart just stopped. No, not literally. At least I don't think so. I don't know. My brain isn't functioning. I can't think. I can't move. I can't feel my legs!

Oh wait, yes I can. Because they're shaking like a freaking wet dog!

Jason doesn't look any better. He looks like he's seen a ghost, but also looks like he is relieved.

I honestly don't know why I am still standing here, anyway. This boy has put me through hell! He brought me into Alex's "game", kidnapped me, killed my parents, got me stabbed, let Alex kidnap me again, and let me be taken as a sex slave! But again, I can't figure out how to work my legs. Or my vocal chords.

Jason hesitantly takes a step towards me, his hand outstreched. It's almost like he doesn't think I'm really here. Well, I sure as heck wish I wasn't! I tried testing out my vocal chords.

I meant to say, "Jason, what are you doing here?"

But it came out more as, "Jsnwtayudonghe?", because I had said it so quickly.

"What?" He asked, his eyes clouded and confused. "Am I dreaming, or..." He trailed off.

"God, do I wish!" I said, my voice more sure this time.

"Kayleigh!" He yelled, rushing towards me with a smile on his face.

I jumped back about five feet, spinning to avoid his hug. I quickly retreated down the hallway continuing looking for the stairs and screaming in the process.

"Please, stop!" Jason yelled from behind me.

I must not have been running fast enough because suddenly Jason's hands wrapped around my waist, and pulled my body back closer to his. I began to fight to get away. I know I couldn't stop thinking about Jason while I was trapped at Alex's, and I know I said I loved and missed him, but that doesn't mean I'm not pissed as hell about what he did to me over and over again.

"What's the matter with you?" He yelled against my screaming. He covered my mouth with his hand and wrestled me to the floor. He climbed on top of me and straddled my hips, pinning my wrists above my head with his free hand.

"Mmmm mmhmm mhhm!" Came my muffled words. Jason sighed.

"Are you going to talk, or scream?" He said, hesitanly pulling his hand away.

"Jason, you asshole!" I screamed. "Get off of me! Leave me alone!"

Jason looked so hurt at my words, but quickly recovered, acting as if he was annoyed. "Shut up and kiss me," He said, completely ignoring me and rolling his eyes.

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