Daddy's Girl (Part 7)

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I don't know how long I slept, but it must have been a while. When I woke up, a blanket was spread over me and a tray of food sat on the small desk in the corner. Was it for me? Ah, crud! Who cares anyway? I lunged toward the food, inspecting it as I got closer. I bagel and a glass of orange juice. I didn't care, I was grateful for anything! As I scarfed down the bagel, in came Matt.

"Umm, girl?" he said, awkwardly.

"I have a name," I said, curtly. "Kayleigh is what I like to be called."

"Sorry," he grunted. "Anyway, Kayleigh, we are keeping you here. You see, your father is in quite a lot of trouble with us, and this is payback."

"My dad doesn't even know you people!" I yelled. Matt laughed.

"Not your 'daddy', the rich bloke you live with. Your REAL dad."

What the heck? My real dad? Wasn't my rich dad, my real dad?

"Don't you ever wonder what your scars are from?" Matt asked. I just stared. He sighed. "You'll know soon, Kayleigh. Your real dad is looking for you. And we have left him plenty of evidence that your here." Matt snickered. With that, he turned and left.

Who is my real dad? I thought. Was I adopted? No, they would have told me if I was. Hmm, come to think of it, I never saw any baby pictures of me with my parents. Wow I'm stupid! The door knob rattled. In walked Jason.

"Hey," I said. He just stared. "What, are you mad?" I asked? He grunted in reply.

"Listen, Kayleigh." he started. "Let's pretend last night never happened. It was an accident. I was just trying to make you more comfortable."

"What?" I gasped. "You mean, you don't even like me? Why would you kiss me then?"

"Like I said, I just wanted to stop you from freaking out." he said, looking down.

I don't know why, but tears sprang into my eyes. I liked Jason a lot. Why would he play me? Alex came into the room.

"Jason, Matt and George are going on a raid for food. Why don't you go help them?" Alex said. Jason nodded and left. Alex turned to face me.

"And as for you Kayleigh. This is your home for now. I won't treat you like a prisoner, if you follow the rules. So, rule one, no trying to escape. Rule two, no talking back. Rule three, don't go through our stuff. And the final rule, is no going in my room. Got it?" he asked. I nodded. He smiled. "Good girl," he said, ruffling my hair and leaving the room. "Oh! And don't try to get all romantic with Jason, he isn't that type of guy."

I sighed. Thank God I wasn't going to be tortured. But Jason, it was going to be hard living with him. I walked over to the couch and plopped down. Maybe if I give them what they want then- BANG! My thought was cut off by a loud noise outside the room. "Put your hands up!" a voice roared. I heard Jason swear. "Where is she?" the voice asked. No one responded, but they might have pointed, because the door flung open and a police officer walked in.

"Kayleigh Cruz?" he asked. I nodded. "Oh thank God!" he sighed. "Your parents have been worried sick!" Another police officer walked Jason in. "Did this boy kidnap you?" Jason looked angry, but in his eyes, there was a hint of sadness.

"No," I said. "I got in a fight at school, and he saved me. So I came home with him and forgot to call mom." The police looked dumbfounded. So did Jason.

"Miss, are you sure that's the truth?" asked one officer. I nodded. Just then, my dad rushed in.

"Kayleigh Annalise Cruz!" he shouted. "Are you okay, honey?" he sighed, pulling me into a tight hug.

"I'm fine, dad," I mumbled, embarrassed of his affection.

"And you!" my dad yelled, turning to Jason. "Officer, arrest him for kidnapping my daughter!"

"We can't, sir," said the officer. "She says she willingly came her, it wasn't kidnapping."

My father looked furious. "What?" he screamed. "What! I know Kayleigh, and she would never do that! She would call us! She wouldn't be so irresponsible!" he turned to Jason. "Stay away from my daughter, you hear?"

Jason nodded, curtly. My dad let out his breath in a huff. "Kayleigh, you're grounded!"

"Why?" I shouted. "What did I do?"

"You put your mother and I through hell!" he screamed back. "Now come on! We're leaving!" He grabbed my arm and dragged me to the car. When we passed Jason, I looked at him. We stared each other down as I passed. Just as I was being hauled out the door, I mouthed 'your welcome' to him.

The car ride back was full of dad lecturing me, and me argruing.

"I don't know what your deal is, but you will never do this again!" he shouted loudly. "And you are never to see that boy!"

"I will do what I want!" I screamed back. "I'm 17! You can't keep telling me how to live my life!"

"What did he do to you?" my dad whispered. "What did he do with my sweet, innocent daughter?"

"She grew up!" I said. "She isn't 10 anymore. She likes boys and make-up and makes mistakes. But what I wanna know, is where my dad went! Oh wait, I never had one!"

"Now Kay-" he began.

"Just, shut up dad! There's nothing more to say here!"

Dad sighed. And I swear I saw tears fall down his gruffy cheeks. As soon as the car came to a halt in the driveway, I stormed into the house and up the stairs to my room. And I wasn't coming down, for a long time! I looked around my room, and found my phone laying on my bed. I picked it up and flipped through the missed calls and new messages. Missed call from Mom, Dad, Uncle Jake, Alex, Leah, Christian, and Anna. New voice mail from Leah:

"Where are you? You missed school! I saw you leave with Jason, so what happened?! Call me, chica!"

New voice mail from Mom:

"Where are you? Dinners ready. Come home please!"

New voice mail from Anna:

"Kayleigh! Did you go home with Jason? He was supposed to wait for me! Tell him I'm gonna kill him when I see him!"

New text from mom:

"It's 10:00! Where r u?"

New text from Christian:

"U not coming to skewl? I will get ur hw. Xoxo, Chrissy :p"

New text from Unknown:

"Thanks for saving me back there. I didn't deserve it. Why did you do it when I acted like a jerk? -Jason"

Jason?! Oh, now he wanted to talk! I texted back.

"Because, I don't think your a bad person. Sorry, but I did read the letter. Your dad wouldn't have been proud if you went to jail. Plus, I like you. Or I did until I found out the kiss meant nothing. By the way, your welcome!"

Jerk. He can rot in hell for all I care!

-Hey y'all! So whatcha think?! Will Jason reveal his true feelings!? That's it for tonight!!! Xoxo-Jaclyn :)

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