Please Don't (Chapter 26)

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Hey y'all :) OMG I AM SO SORRY I HAVENT UPDATED FOR A MONTH AND I FEEL SO BAD OKAY SO DONT KILL ME! OKAY, NEW CHAPTER LOVES! ;D Anywayssss...enjoy xoxoxo :) Read the author's note at the end too please :)

---Pic is of Jason ;)


*Kayleigh's Point Of View*

Wondering through the winding streets, I continuously searched for something, anything I could use to identify where I was. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zero. It'd been hours, days maybe, since I started walking. I was growning tired, but I couldn't stop. I wouldn't.

I know it's strange, but all I could think about was him. Jason. I hadn't seen him in months, maybe even a year. I sighed. It's amazing how I could even remember him. Of course, I had Leah to always remind me of him. She said if I could remember something familiar and important to me, I could use it as a reason to hold on. And I did. I thought of Jason every night, sometimes talking to him like he was there. I always imagined I saw him, standing by my bed in the middle of the night. I would talk to him. Ask him where he was, why he hadn't found me. He never answered, though. Why would he? He was just a figure of my imagination.

I bet Jason has long forgotten about me. I'm sure he's found someone else, moved on from me. He never loved me, I'm sure of that now. He allowed Alex to kidnap me. Heck, he even led them to where I was! You don't understand what it's like to love someone so much and then have them hand you off to be someone's whore. But still, I couldn't stop myself from loving him, and the pain was just too much to bear.

I'm really scared on top of all those other feelings, too. I haven't felt well for the past month, but that could be due to my lack of nutrition and all of the beatings. But I've been throwing up, had cramps, and skipped my last two periods. I'm starting to worry that one of those men got me p...p....p....

I can't even think it. But again, all those symptoms can be from lack of nutrition. And God, I sure as heck hope they are.

A pair of lights appeared ahead of me on the street, headlights. Frantic, I began to run faster towards them. When the car spotted me, it pulled to a halt. Rolling down the window, a woman's face appeared concerned.

"Honey!" She gasped as she took in my appearance. I haven't showered in like, two months, so I'm not looking my best right now. "What on Earth!?"

I sighed. "Ma'am, can you please tell me where I am?"

"Dear, your in Orange County, Georgia!" She answered, her eyes raking me up and down.

Thank God! I'm home! "Okay," I smiled. "Thank you."

"Would you like a ride?" The woman asked. Before I could refuse, she began to beg. "Please! Let me give you a ride! I can't leave a young woman stranded out here in Mamaha Woods alone at night!"

"Okay..." I say hesitantly before climbing in the car. She begins to drive back towards the way she came.

"Where can I take you?" She asked.

"Well, I need to go to Atlanta, but that's over two hours away. I can't ask you to take me that far. Just go wherever you were already headed."

The woman acted shocked I would even say such a thing. "Oh my heavens, dear! Of course I will drive you! I feel like you won't really get there any other way..." She trailed off.

I nodded and thanked her. I finally decided to take a good look at her, since I really hadn't before. She was a younger woman. Early thirties, maybe. She had short blonde hair, and large blue eyes. She was gorgeous, to be honest. She sort of reminded me of myself in her appearance. But that could be such a concidence.

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