Whiskey Lullaby (Chapter 34)

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Hola! ;D Anyways, I need to practice my Spanish because I got a C- on my quiz the other day! :( I was not meant to speak that language, okay?! Alright well this is one of my favorite chapters! I love this song and this chapter is the reason I really even wrote this book! This chapter is writen in Jason's point of view, because this is how his life has turned out! It's super sad, actually... But play the song with the chapter as you read so you can know what inspired me! :D The song is called, "Whiskey Lullaby", (hints the title of the chapter :P) But it is by Brad Paisly and NO I normally do not like country music, but there are occasionally a few songs that I like :) Now, the ending of this chapter may be a little bit confusing, but all will be explained in the epilogue :) I don't know why I put a smiley face because its actually not funny/happy but WHATEVS! IM ME! I DO WHATEVER I WANT! :D I'm writing this and watching Finding Nemo, so if there are errors...GET OVER IT! :P TOTALLY KIDDING, GUYS! DON'T FREAK! Now enjoy chapter 34 :)


Song: "Whiskey Lullaby" By Brad Paisly. (PLAY WITH THE CHAPTER!)

Picture: None, unless you like, want a picture of a whiskey bottle...


*Jason's Point Of View*

*2 Years Later*

"We watched him drink his pain away a little at a time..."

"You can't keep doing this!" Taylor, my best friend, screams in my face.

I ignore him, taking another long, heavy gulp from my second bottle of whiskey. I place my bottle back on the kitchen counter and let my head rest in the palm of my hand, gazing lazily over at Taylor. He is now staring at my bottle of Jack Daniel's, debating with himself about whether to stop me or let me face the concequences. He shakes his head and walks towards the door, pausing with his hand on the knob.

'Jason," He pleads one last time, his brown eyes boreing into mine. "Please stop and realize what you're doing to yourself. You're going to get alcohol poisioning all because of a stupid girl that dumped you two years ago."

I shrug. "I've been drinking like this for two years, Taylor. S'not like it's going to kill me now if it already hasn't."

Taylor sighs and rips the door open, walking out and shutting it behind him with a BANG! I sigh and return to my drinking, quickly downing the bottle and opening another one. I honestly don't care what anyone says anymore. Not since that night...

"She put him out like the burnin' end of a midnight cigarette, she broke his heart, he spent his whole life tryin' to forget..."

She didn't want me. She never did, obviously. She just wanted to see if the "bad boy" would ever love, and once he did, she broke his heart...

"The rumors flew but nobody knew how much he blamed himself..."

Of course, it's my fault she doesn't want me. If I wasn't so stupid, or so angry. If I didn't get involved in that gang and almost get her killed everyday...

I take a swig from my third bottle of whiskey, sighing at the burning sensation that goes down my throat. Who cares? As long as some of the pain can escape, I sure as hell don't.

"But he never could get drunk enough to get her off his mind, until' the night..."

Downing the rest of the alcohol, I crack open a fourth. My vision is blurry, my mind hazy, and my thoughts slurred. But she is still there in my mind. The image of her face stuck in my head like a squashed bug on a windshield where the wipers don't reach. God, go away! I sigh and take another long and heavy drink, tears threatening to sting my eyes.

"Life is short but this time it was bigger, than the strength he had to get up off his knees..."

I sigh as I down the rest of my bottle, tossing it aside with the rest as I stand up and stumble to the stairs, nearly tripping and falling as I pull myself up them. I'm to far gone to even change into my pajamas, so I don't bother.

I stumble over to my dresser, pulling out the scrapbook from underneath my boxer briefs. I remember this black leather scrapbook like it was yesterday that I enquired it. Anna had given one each to Kayleigh and I after the school talent show. I sigh at the memory.

I pull out a picture from the book, bringing it up to my face to inspect it. It was a picture of Kayleigh in her dress, the one she wore the night of the talent show. That beautiful cream colored, lace dress. I smile and bring the picture up, kissing Kayleigh's face.

I carry the picture with me over to the bed, hugging it to my chest as I fall face first onto the pillow. I hold it close, charishing the time I have left with it before I realize I'm just drunk and loopy enough to believe it was actually her.

"We found him with his face down in the pillow..."

My eyes began to grow heavy as the minutes ticked by. I tried to fight it, but resisting the urge to keep them open was just becoming too much. I finally caved in, closing them tightly and feeling myself drift into darkness.


I sighed heavily and rubbed my eyes as I walked into the bright white, my headache fading with each step I took.

Out of the cloudy mist, rose a shining angel. Her white robe flowed down past her feet, looking more like a nightgown than anything. Her golden curls flow over her shoulders and down her back, blue eyes sparkling in the light as they land on me. She breaks into a breath taking smile, extending her hand.

I rush forward and grab her hand tightly in mine. "I've missed you," I say, pulling her close.

She giggles and nods, assuring me that she missed me aswell. "I couldn't stop thinking about you!"

I smile and she tugs my hand, pulling me forward. "But your here now, and that's all that matters, because we belong together."

"Forever," I say, and the blinding light swallows us altogether.

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